School of Social Sciences | Universiti Sains Malaysia

Master of Public Administration (Course Work)

Coursework Mode

The Master of Public Administration (MPA) program is designed for those serving in the public sector and those planning a career in the public service. It is also open to those from other sectors for whom knowledge of the public sector is important. The basic entry requirement is a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university.
For full time students, the MPA program is a three-semester program by coursework. For part-time students, the program will take 6 semesters to complete. To earn the MPA degree, students are required to accumulate 44 credits from the core and elective courses. For the first two semesters, students will register core courses (32 credits) and in the third semester, students will register elective courses (12 credits).


The general objective of the program is to equip participants with knowledge in the foundations, structures and functions of the public sector and in policy analysis, management and research as well as to expose them to global developments in the theory and practice of public administration required for effective performance in the changing national and international environment. This will be achieved by focusing on:
 the normative foundations of public administration and the implications of the changing and increasingly challenging national and global context for effective governance and the achievement of national goals,
 a theoretically-based examination of the structures and functioning of the public sector and public organizations in modern government and of alternative and innovative approaches for their improvement,
 the research and analytical skills needed for effective problem-solving and decision-making in the public sector, and
 the development of an approach towards public service which guides the efforts of civil servants and integrates their contributions with those of other governmental and non-governmental economic and social institutions in society consistent with national aspirations.

Participants will be conferred the Master of Public Administration degree after they have successfully accumulated 44 credits from the core and elective courses.
Students will be assessed according to the Cummulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) system with the following grades distribution:



Passing grade for each course is C+. For graduation purposes, students must obtain a minimum CGPA of 3.00/4.00. SPA592/12 Research Project will be graded according to this system. Students are allowed to repeat courses for which they have obtained Grade B- and below.

The program incorporates a balance among the various kinds of knowledge and skills required by the public administrator. These are: (a) an adequate understanding of the political and institutional setting within which he/she operates, (b) management skills sufficient to design and oversee internal operations, monitor and direct the allocation and use of human and material resources, and review performance, (c) technical-analytical and research skills sufficient to produce high quality staff work for senior-level administrative or political officials, or to direct and evaluate the work of others who provide such decision inputs, and (d) sufficient mastery of the substantive issues in one’s policy area to monitor developments, anticipate problems and design workable policies and programs.
The core and elective courses under the four categories of knowledge and skill, as well as the Research Project, are shown in the table below.
Depending on class composition, courses will be conducted in English. However, students can choose to do their examinations or write their term and project papers in Bahasa Malaysia.
Students are expected to have a basic knowledge of computer usage. Internet facilities are provided in the MPA computer laboratory.

Programme Structure

Courses to be registered are given in the following table. For full time students, the program can be completed in 3 semesters, part time students will require 6 semesters. Part time students are allowed to convert to a full time status and they will then be allowed to register any course offered. The actual courses to be offered in the third semester will be announced during the second semester.

full time




The Master of Public Administration programme is designed for those serving in the public sector and those planning a career in the public service by equipping students with knowledge in the foundations, structures and functions of the public sector. It exposes students to global developments in the theory and practice of public administration. It focusses on the following: 

• The normative foundations of public adminisation and the implications of the changing and increasingly challenging national and global context for effective governance;
• A theoretically-based examination of the structures and functioning of the public sector and public organisations; and
• Strenghtening research and analytical skills needed for effective problem solving and decision making in the public sector.

Students will acquire the following knowledge and skills important to public administration: (a) an adequate understanding of the political and institutional setting; (b) sufficient management skills; (c) sufficient technical, analytical and research skills for high quality work; (d) an adequate mastery of substantive issues in one’s policy area.

Programme Structure
The programme is offered in 3 semesters for full-time students and 6 semesters for part-time students.
Students accumulated 44 units throughout their candidature. Of these, 32 units are from core courses and 12 units from elective courses.

Core Courses (32 units)

SPA501/4 Public Administration and Political System
SPA502/4 Research Methods
SPA503/4 Organizational Management
SPA504/4 Economics for the Public Sector
SPA505/4 Government and Politics in Malaysia
SPA506/4 Public Sector Management
SPA507/4 Issues in the Malaysian Economy
SPA508/4 Policy Analysis and Design

Elective Courses (12 units)

SPA512/4 Case Studies in Managing Public Sector
SPA515/4 Ethics and Administration
SPA517/4 Globalisation and Regionalism
SPA518/4 Environment, Development and Policy
SPA591/4 Independent Studies
SPA592/12 Research Project

Degree Awarded

Students who have successfully completed the programme are awarded Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree.

C Panduan Ringkas Pendaftaran Kursus untuk Pelajar Baru MPA pg 1

D Panduan Ringkas Pendaftaran Kursus untuk Pelajar Baru MPA pg 2

G Jadual Waktu Kuliah Program Siswazah Sem I S.A. 2018.2019 edit



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Last Modified: Wednesday 22 January 2025.

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