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Chua Soo Yean  
Assoc. Professor, Dr.

M.Sc. , Ph.D. , Economics (Southern Illinois University), B.A. , Computer Sc. (Southern Illinois University)

Soo Y. Chua is an Associate Professor in Economics. His areas of specialization are International Economics, Development Economics and Applied Econometrics and Statistics. Prior to joining the university, he worked as an economic analyst for the Housing Department in Southern Illinois University. He teaches International Economics and Southeast Asian Economics in undergraduate and graduate levels. His research interests are economic interdependence and cooperation in East Asia, and the effects of regional trade agreements on economic growth. He has published articles in journals such as Asian Economic Journal, Applied Economics and Applied Economics Letters. He has served as the Chairperson of the Economics Programme at University Sains Malaysia. He was awarded the Excellent Service Award in 2001 and 2010 by the university.


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publication Teaching Research Supervision
 Citations -   Undergraduate -   International -   Ph.D - 
 h-index -   Postgraduate -   National -   Masters - 
     University -   

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Kee Tuan Teng, Siew Hwa Yen and Soo Yean Chua (2013) Synchronisation of Stock Market Cycles: The Importance of Emerging and Developed Markets to ASEAN-5, Prague Economic Papers, 4, pp. 435-458.

Abdorreza Soleymani and Soo Y. Chua (2013) How Responsive are Trade Flows between Malaysia and China to the Exchange Rate? Evidence from Industry data, International Review of Applied Economics, DOI: 10.1080/02692171.2013.858666.

Abdorreza Soleymani and Soo Y. Chua (2013) Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Industry Trade Flows between Malaysia and China, The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, DOI: 10.1080/09638199.2013.803146.

Abdorreza Soleymani and Soo Y. Chua (2013) S-Curve at the Industry Level: Evidence from Malaysia's Bilateral Trade with its Major Trading Partners in East Asia, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 352-369.

Kee Tuan Teng, Siew Hwa Yen and Soo Y. Chua (2013) The Synchronisation of ASEAN-5 Stock Markets with the Growth Rate Cycles of Selected Emerging and Developed Economies, Margin:The Journal of Applied Economic Research, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 1-29.

Soo Y. Chua (2012) Assessing the Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks in Malaysia: A Factor Augmented Vector Autoregressive Approach, The IUP Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. XI, No. 3, pp. 65-83.

Chor Foon Tang and Soo Y. Chua (2012) The Saving-growth Nexus for the Malaysian Economy: A View Through Rolling Sub-samples, Applied Economics, Vol. 44, No. 32, Â pp. 4173-85.

Chor Foon Tang and Soo Y. Chua (2009) The Saving-growth Nexus in Malaysia: Evidence from Nonparametric Analysis, The IUP Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 7, Nos. 3 & 4, pp. 83-94.

Subhash C. Sharma and Soo Y. Chua (2000) ASEAN Economic Integration and Intra-regional Trade, Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 165-169.

Soo Y. Chua, Selahattin Dibooglu and Subhash C. Sharma (1999) The Impact of the US and Japanese Economies on Korea and Malaysia after the Plaza Accord, Asian EconomicJournal, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 19-37.

Soo Y. Chua and Subhash C. Sharma (1998) An Investigation of the Effects of Prices and Exchange Rates on Trade Flows in East Asia, Asian Economic Journal, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp.253-271.

Suresh Narayanan, Lai Yew Wah, Abdul Rahim Ibrahim, Chua Soo Yean and Chan Huan Chiang (1997) The East Asian Economic Crisis: Why was Malaysia Vulnerable? Malysian Journal of Economics Studies, Vol. XXXIV, Nos. 1&2, pp. 93-112.


Kee Tuan Teng, Siew Hwa Yen, Soo Y. Chua and Hooi Hooi Lean (2013), Financial Market Integration of ASEAN-5 with China and India, in Emerging Markets and the Global Economy: A Handbook, Elsevier, pp. 825-859

Azrina Husin, Azeem Ahmad Farouk, Chua Soo Yean, Sivamurugan Pandian dan Abdul Rahim Ibrahim (2009) Membina Bangsa Malaysia, Jilid 4, Integrasi Nasional (ISBN 978-983-41412-3-3), JPNIN, Kementerian Perpaduan, Kebudayaan, Kesenian dan Warisan, Malaysia.

Sivamurugan Pandian, Abdul Rahim Ibrahim, Azrina Husin dan Chua Soo Yean (2007) Abdullah Ahmad Badawi: Tiga Tahun di Putrajaya (ISBN 978-967-61-2062-6), Utusan Publication & Distributions Sdn. Bhd.

Sivamurugan Pandian, Abdul Rahim Ibrahim, Azrina Husin and Chua Soo Yean (2006) Abdullah Ahmad Badawi: Satu Tahun di Putrajaya (ISBN 967-61-1799-4), Utusan Publications and Distributions Sdn. Bhd.

Roziah Omar, Sivamurugan Pandian, Abdul Rahim Ibrahim, Chua Soo Yean dan Azrina Husin (2006), Prosiding Konvensyen Kebangsaan: Agenda Pembangunan Sosial ke Arah Pembentukan Masyarakat Sejahtera & Saksama (ISBN 983-42685-3-X), Institut Sosial Malaysia, Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat, Malaysia.

{slider title="TEACHING" class="gray solid color_content"}

Graduate Teaching

SME511- Global Resource Flow

SAE513- European Economic Integration

Undergraduate Teaching

SEU330E- International Trade

SEA302- Economic Transformation of Southeast Asia

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His research interests are economic interdependence, trade flows, economic shocks and exchange rate in East Asia. His recent research looks at how the emerging economies in the East Asian region have influnced Malaysia's competitiveness, the composition of its exports and exchange rates.
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Ph.D. by Research

Abubakar Wambai Aminu, Oil Price and Exchange Rate Volatility in Selected Sub-Sahara countries, (Main Supervisor, 2013-present)

Pimjai Promsuwan, Border Trade Between Nations: A Case Study of Thailand, (Main supervisor, 2011- present)

Adel Mohsen, The Foreign Trade in Syria, (Main supervisor, 2011-present)

Usama Z. Abd. Al-Mulali, The Effect of Oil Shocks on Trade and Economic Growth in Selected OPEC Members, (Co-supervisor, Completed in 2014)

Abdorreza Soleymani, The Effect of Exchange Rate on Bilateral Trade Between Malaysia and China, (Main supervisor, Completed in 2014)

Leow Ghin Yin, Assessing Malaysia's Manufactured Exports Competitiveness, (Main Supervisor, Completed in 2010)

Teng Kee Tuan, Economic Interdependence of ASEAN5 with Emerging and Developed Nations, (Co-supervisor, Completed in 2012)

Edy Yusuf Agunggunanto, An Empirical Study of Poverty of Fishermen in the District of Pati, Central Jaya, Indonesia, (Co-supervisor, completed in 2006)

Master of Economic Management (MEM)

Bija Anak Bujok, The Determinants of Malaysian Palm Oil Exports to India, (2013-present)

Baldev Singh Gill, Determinants of Balance of Trade in Malaysia from 1980 to 2010, (Completed in 2013)

See Yong Wang, The Relationship Between Macroeconomic Variables and Stock Prices: Evidence from E7 Emerging Economies, (Completed in 2012)

Aishath Laila, The Contribution of Tourism Development to Economic Growth in the Maldician Economy, (Completed in 2011)

Seyed Mehrshad Hosseini, The Effects of Nonoil Exports on Economic Growth in Iran, (Completed in 2010)

Chan Hoe Loon, Factors that Affects the US trade Deficit, (Completed in 2010)

Hang Kean Lee, The Effects of Trade Openess on Growth of the Manufacturing Sector in Malaysia, 1970-2008, (Completed in 2010)

Kok lo Yein, Relationship between Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange with Japan and Singapore Stock Markets, (Completed in 2007)

Tang Chor Foon, The Relationship between Saving and Growth: New Parametric and Nonparametric Evidence from ASEAN5, (Completed in 2007)

Loh Sek Ying, The Relationship between Saving and Investment in South and East Asian Countries: An ARDL Bounds Testing Approach, (Completed in 2004)

Teng Kee Tuan, Revenue Productivity of Malaysia Tax System, (Completed in 2004)

Lee Shik Kee, The Asian Financial Crisis and Short Term Capital Flow, (Completed in 2003)

Choo Sook Yee, Money, Outputand Causality: Case study of Malaysia, (Completed in 2002)

Teh Lye Hooi, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Malaysia, (Completed in 2001)

Master of International and Diplomacy Studies (MIDS)

Shreevidya Anandan, Liberalization of Trade Barriers and Its Outcome on Export: A Case Study of the Free Trade Area Between EU and Chile, (Completed in 2008)

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