leanLean Hooi Hooi            
Professor, Dr.
Ph.D. (NUS), M.Sc. (USM), B.Econ. (UM)

Hooi served as a post-doctoral visiting scholar to the Department of Economics at Monash University, Australia. She has been a visiting scholar to SungKyunKwan University (Korea), Tamkang University (Taiwan), CEREFIGE Universitè Nancy 2 (France), Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand), Georg-Simon-Ohm University of Applied Sciences (Germany) and University of Rennes 2 (France). Prof. Lean is the winner of the 2015 National Academic Award from the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia. She has been listed in the Who’sWho in the World publication since 2009 and granted the prestigious title of “Researcher of the Week” in GDNet East Asia in 2012 for her excellent contributions. She has been awarded the ASEAN-ROK Academic Exchange Fellowship Programme in 2007, the Democratic Pacific Union (DPU) Visiting Fellowship in 2008, the International HERMES Fellowship Programme in 2009 and Faculty Exchange Fellowship from Georg-Simon-Ohm University in 2012. Dr. Lean also won the “Sanggar Sanjung” Excellent Award for Publication 2009-2015, the “Hadiah Sanjungan” Best Award for Publication 2006-2011 and the Excellent Service Award 2010, 2014 from the Universiti Sains Malaysia. She has more than 100 scholarly articles that have been published in many reputed international journals. 

Please click here to visit my homepage. 连惠慧

古之学者必有师。师者,所以传道受业解惑也 ~ 韩愈

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prof lean RI

publication Teaching Research Supervision
 Citations - 3158  Undergraduate - 2  International - 5  Ph.D - 4
 h-index - 27  Postgraduate - 6  National - 16  Masters - 19
     University - 12  

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Edited Books

Lean, H.H. (Eds.) Contemporary Malaysia: Economics and Finance Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies: Kuala Lumpur, 2016, xvii+314. [ISBN: 978-983-3908-38-7]

连惠慧 《当代马来西亚:经济与金融》, 华社研究中心出版, 2016, xvii+314. [ISBN: 978-983-3908-38-7]

Selected Chapters in Books

Electricity Consumption, Output, and Trade in Bhutan, co-author with Russell Smyth, in Bhutan New Pathways to Growth, Mitra, S and Jeong H.Y., (Eds.), Oxford University Press, 2017, 382-403. [ISBN: 978-0-19-947401-1]

The Inflation Hedging Ability of Domestic Gold in Malaysia, co-author with Geok Peng Yeap, in Causal Inference in Econometrics, Huynh, V-N., Kreinovich, V., and Sriboonchitta, S. (Eds.), Springer: Heidelberg, 2016, 227-241. [ISBN: 978-3-319-27283-2]

The Malaysia-China Economic Relationship at 40: Broadening Ties and Meeting the Challenges for Future Success, co-author with Russell Smyth, in Chinese Global Production Networks in ASEAN, Young-Chan Kim (Eds), Springer: Switzerland, 2016, 39-52. [ISBN 978-3-319-24232-3]

The Relevance of Heteroskedasticity and Structural Breaks When Testing for A Random Walk with High Frequency Financial Data: Evidence from ASEAN Stock Markets, co-author with Vinod Mishra, Russell Smyth, in Handbook of High Frequency Trading, Gregoriou, G.N. (Eds), Oxford: Elsevier, 2015, 59-74. [ISBN 978-0-12-802205-4]

Performance Persistence of Socially Responsible Investing Funds in the Asia Pacific Region, co-author with Wei Rong Ang and Russell Smyth, in Handbook of Asian Finance REITs, Trading, and Fund Performance, Vol 2, Lee, D. and Gregoriou, G.N. (Eds), Oxford: Elsevier, 2014, 377-392. [ISBN: 978-0-12-800986-4]

Stock Market Co-movement in ASEAN and China, co-author with Russell Smyth, in Emerging Markets and the Global Economy: A Handbook, Arouri, M., Boubaker, S. and Nguyen, D.K. (Eds), Oxford: Elsevier, 2013, 603-622. [ISBN: 978-0-12-411549-1]

Socially Responsible Investing Funds in Asia Pacific, co-author with Wei Rong Ang, in Emerging Markets and Financial Resilience: Decoupling Growth from Turbulence, Hooy C.W., Ali, R. and Rhee, S.G. (Eds), London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 169-190. [ISBN: 978-1-137-26660-6]

Toward a Comprehensive Partnership: Integration of Korea-Malaysia Financial Markets, in The Update on Asean and Korean Studies: 2008, Ingon Trebuil (Eds), Bangkok: ASEAN University Network, 2009, 135-173.

Selected Refereed Journal Articles

The Evolution of the Natural Resource Curse Thesis: A Critical Literature Survey, 2017, co-author with Ramez Abubakr Badeeb and Jeremy Clark, Resources Policy, 51, 123-134. [ISI]

Asymmetric Inflation Hedge Properties of Housing in Malaysia: New Evidence from Nonlinear ARDL approach, 2017, co-author with Geok Peng Yeap, Habitat International, 62, 11-21. [ISI]

Oil Curse and Finance-Growth Nexus in Malaysia: The Role of Investment, 2016, co-author with Ramez Abubakr Badeeb and Russell Smyth, Energy Economic, 57, 154-165. [ISI]

Natural Gas Consumption, Income, Urbanization and CO2 Emissions in China and India, 2016, co-author with Sakiru Adebola Solarin, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23, 18753–18765. [ISI]

Are Fluctuations in Oil Consumption Permanent or Transitory? Evidence from Nonlinear Unit Root Tests, 2016, co-author with Sakiru Adebola Solarin, Energy Policy, 88, 262-270. [ISI]

Performance and Performance Persistence of Socially Responsible Investment Funds in Europe and North America, 2015, co-author with Wei Rong Ang and Russell Smyth, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 34, 254-266. [ISI]

Preferences of Risk-averse and Risk-seeking Investors for Oil Spot or Futures Before, During and After the Global Financial Crisis, 2015, co-author with Michael McAleer and Wing Keung Wong, International Review of Economics and Finance, 40, 204-216. [ISI]

Sharia Compliant Gold Investment in Malaysia: Hedge or Safe Haven, 2015, co-author with Mohd Fahmi Ghazali and Zakaria Bahari, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 34, 192-204. [ISI]

Testing for Weak-form Efficiency of Crude Palm Oil Spot and Futures Markets: New Evidence from a GARCH Unit Root Test with Multiple Structural Breaks, 2015, co-author with Russell Smyth, Applied Economics, 47(16), 1710-1721. [ISI]

Is Gold Good for Portfolio Diversification? A Stochastic Dominance Analysis of the Paris Stock Exchange, 2015, co-author with Thi Hong Van Hoang and Wing Keung Wong, International Review of Financial Analysis, 42, 92-108. [ISI]

Growth and Environment Quality in Singapore: Is There Any Trade-Off, 2014, co-author with Francis Tan and Habibullah Khan, Ecological Indicators, 47, 149-155. [ISI]

Will Initiatives to Promote Hydroelectricity Consumption be Effective? Evidence from Univariate and Panel LM Unit Root Tests with Structural Breaks, 2014, co-author with Russell Smyth, Energy Policy, 68, 102-115. [ISI]

Economic Inequality in Australia between 1983 and 2010: A Stochastic Dominance Analysis, 2014, co-author with Valenzuela M. R. and George Athanasopoulos, Economic Record, 90(288), 49–62. [ISI]

Logistics and Economic Development: Experience from China, 2014, co-author with Wei Huang and Junjie Hong, Transport Policy, 32, 96–104. [ISI]

Do Islamic Stock Indexes Outperform Conventional Stock Indexes: A Stochastic Dominance Approach, 2014, co-author with Osamah Al-Khazali and Anis Samet, Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 28, 29-46. [ISI] 

Will Policies to Promote Renewable Electricity Generation be Effective? Evidence from Panel Stationarity and Unit Root Tests for 115 Countries, 2013, co-author with Russell Smyth, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 22, 371–379. [ISI]

Regional House Prices and the Ripple Effect in Malaysia, 2013, co-author with Russell Smyth, Urban Studies, 50(5), 895 - 922. [ISI, ERA(A*)]

Do Malaysian House Prices Follow a Random Walk? Evidence from Univariate and Panel LM Unit Root Tests with One and Two Structural Breaks, 2013, co-author with Russell Smyth, Applied Economics, 45(18), 2611-2627. [ISI]

Are Fluctuations in US Production of Renewable Energy Permanent or Transitory? 2013, co-author with Russell Smyth, Applied Energy, 101, 483-488. [ISI]

Exchange Rate and Stock Price Interaction in Major Asian Markets: Evidence for Individual Countries and Panels Allowing for Structural Breaks, 2011, co-author with Paresh Narayan and Russell Smyth, Singapore Economic Review, 56(2), 255–277. [ISI].

Market Efficiency of Oil Spot and Futures: A Mean-Variance and Stochastic Dominance Approach, 2010, co-author with Michael McAleer and Wing-Keung Wong, Energy Economics, 32, 979-986. [ISI].

Multivariate Granger causality between electricity generation, exports, prices and GDP in Malaysia, 2010, co-author with Russell Smyth, Energy, 35, 3640-3648. [ISI].

{slider title="TEACHING" class="gray solid color_content"}

SME503 - Applied Econometrics

SME521 - Economics of Finance

SME591 - Research Seminar

SME599 - Research Project

{slider title="RESEARCH & CONSULTANCY" class="gray solid"}

Social Network Analysis of Innovation Cluster in Creative and Cultural Value Chain: Case of George Town World Heritage Site, Economic and Social Research Council UK, 2017-2019.

The Sustainability of the Housing Market, Research University Grant, 2016-2019.

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Ph.D. by Research

Ramez Abubakr Badeeb, 2016, The Relationship between Natural Resource Dependence, Financial Sector Development and Sectoral Growth: The Case of Republic of Yemen. [GOT]

Mohd Fahmi Ghazali, 2016, Gold as a Diversifier, Hedge and Safe Haven: The Impact of Stock Market and Inflation in Malaysia.

Sakkarin Nonthapot, 2014, Factors Affecting International Tourism Market of the Greater Mekong Subregion.

Teng Kee Tuan (co-supervise), 2013, Economic Interdependence of ASEAN-5 with Emerging and Developed Nations.

{slider title="RESEARCH POTENTIAL AREAS" class="gray solid color_content"}

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