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Azlinda Azman, Jamalludin Sulaiman, Mohd Taufik Mohamad, Paramjit Singh Jamir Singh, Mohd HaizzanYahaya, Syazwani Drani. (2014). Addressing Poverty through Innovative Policies: A Review of the Malaysian Experience. International Journal of Social Work and Human Services Practice, Vol.2, No.4, 157-162.

Paramjit Singh Jamir Singh, Azlinda Azman, Mohamad Shaharudin Samsurijan, Radin Firdaus Radin Badaruddin, Kumarashwaran Vadevelu, Mohd Haizzan Yahaya, Abdul Rais Abdul Latiff. (2016). Implementation dilemmas of the Needle Syringe Exchange Programme (NSEP): Between the law and prevention. Pacific Science Review B: Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol. 2(2), Issue 2, 53–57.

Y.M. Haizzan, R.B. Radin Firdaus & J.S. Paramjit Singh. (2017). Kesejahteraan Sosial dan Perumahan. SOSIOHUMANIKA. (Accepted, to be publishing on November 2017).

Nur Nadia Adila Abdul Halim, Mohd Hafiidz Jaafar, Kadir Arifin, Kadaruddin Aiyub, Muhammad Rizal Razman, Mohd Haizzan Yahaya (2016). Malaysian Construction Industry: Trends of Occupational Accidents from 2006 to 2015. Journal of Occupational Safety and Health (JOSH). (Accepted, to be publishing on April 2017).


Mohd Haizzan, Khairul Hafiz, Paramjit, Azlinda Azman. (2011). The Challenges of Pursuing Masters In Social Work: From The Perspective of Non Social Work Background Students. International Seminar on Social Work Education Indonesia – Malaysia, Social Work Update. Bandung, Indonesia. (ISBN: 978-602-9276-02-2)

Mohd Haizzan Yahaya, Paramjit Singh Jamir Singh & Kumarashwaran Vadevelu. (2012). Student’s Perception towards Academic Excellence in Penang, Malaysia. International Consortium for Social Development (ICSD), Asia Pacific Conference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (ISSN: 2304 - 5051, indexed by: ISSN International Centre Bibliographic Data Section 45 rue de Turbigo, 75003 PARIS, FRANCE).

Y.M. Haizzan (2013), Peranan Institusi Messo dalam Menjamin Kecemerlangan Akademik Pelajar Konvensyen Kebangsaan, Pengukuhan Kepimpinan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Dalam Tranformasi Kesejahteraan Sosial Negara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.. (ISBN: 978-967-11473-06) – Pendeta WebPAC: UM Library Public Access Catalog.

Y.M. Haizzan, M.F. Nurdin, N.H. Wibowo & M.T. Mohammad (2012). Social Development: Coping Strategies for Urban Poor Housing. International Social Work Conference (ISWC), Penang, Malaysia. (ISBN: 978-967-394-119-3).

Y.M. Haizzan & M.F Nurdin (2014). Social Welfare: Coping Strategies for Urban Housing Poor in Penang, Malaysia. Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2014 (SWSD2014), Melbourne, Australia. E-Poster;

A.Binus, M.F. Nurdin & Y.M. Haizzan (2016). Imaging Welfare Development: The Issues & Challenges in West Papua, Indonesia. International Consortium for Social Development (ICSD), Asia Pacific Conference, Singapore.

Kumarashwaran Vadevelu, Paramjit Singh Jamir Singh, Mohd Haizzan Yahaya (2012). Psychosocial Aspect of Youth Who involve in crime and their perception towards the rehabilitation programme: A case study at Tunas Bakti School in Penang, Malaysia. International Consortium for Social Development (ICSD), Asia Pacific Conference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (ISSN: 2304 - 5051, indexed by: ISSN International Centre Bibliographic Data Section 45 rue de Turbigo, 75003 PARIS, FRANCE).

Paramjit Singh Jamir Singh, Mohd Haizzan Yahaya (2012). Pemahaman Anggota Polis Berpangkat “Rank and File” Akan Peranan Mereka Dalam Program NSEP, Pulau Pinang. Social Science Postgraduate National Seminar (SSPN), USM, Penang, Malaysia.

Mohd Taufik Mohammad, Azlinda Azman & Mohd Haizzan Yahaya. (2015). The Need for Forensic Social Work In Malaysia And Its Collaborative Implication. International Social Work Conference (ISWC), Penang, Malaysia. (ISBN: 978-967-394-119-3) - Social Work, Social Entrepreneurship and Global Challenge: A Collaborative Review.

A.Maksum, M.F. Nurdin & Y.M. Haizzan (2013). Why Illegal Migrant Workers in Jail?: An International Social Work Perspective. The 7th International Conference on Malaysia-Indonesia Relations 2013, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 22-24 October 2013.. (ISBN: 978- 602-9276-02-2).

Chapter in Book:

  • Pendidikan dan Praktik Pekerjaan Sosial di Indonesia dan Malaysia.
    ISBN: 978-602-9276-02-2
  • Sociology and Policy Practices in Contemporary Issues.
    ISBN: 978-602-9276-55-8
  • Sociology and Welfare Development.
    ISBN: 978-602-9276-56-5
  • Partnership and Collaboration in the Asia-Pacific Region.
    ISBN: 978-967-5472-20-6