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Hashim, I.H.M., Norzarina Binti Mohd Zaharim, Premalatha A/p Karupiah, Nor Hafizah Binti Hj Selamat, Noraida Binti Endut, Azman Azwan Azmawati (2019), Crime and Social Connectedness in Malaysian Gated Communities, Social Indicators Research, 144 (3) , 1179-1193.

 Mitshel Lino & Hashim, I.H.M., (2019), Ethnic-specific Experiences of Racial Microaggression in Multicultural Malaysia". Journal of Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 6 (3) 81-97.

Chee-Seng TanSoon-Aun Tan, Hashim, I.H.M., Mah-Ngee Lee,Anna Wen-Huey Ong & Siti nor Binti Yaacob (2019) Problem-Solving Ability and Stress Mediate the Relationship Between Creativity and Happiness Creativity Research Journal, 31 (1) 15-25.  

 Tan Chee Seng, Soon-Aun Tan, Siew-May Cheng, Hashim, I.H.M. & Anna Wen-Huey Ong (2019) Development and preliminary validation of the 20-item Kaufman domains of Creativity Scale for use with Malaysian populations. Current Psychology, 1-12.

 Ooi Shok Hong, Hashim, I.H.M., 2018, Elements of Positive Relationships over Facebook, Geografia Malaysian Journal of Society and Space (Special issue for USM ICOSS 2017). 4 (4) 250-261 2491

 Mitshel  Lino, Hashim, I.H.M. &Ricky Ricardo (2017)“The Lurking Racism: Exploring Racial Microaggression in the Malaysian University Pertanika  Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (Special issue for USM ICOSS 2015). 25 (1)

 Hashim, I.H.M., Zulkarnain Ahmad Hatta, Zhooriyati Sehu Mohd, Salahuddien Ayob, Noraida Abdul Ghani, Nurulhuda Ramli, Shukran Abdul Rahman, Nor Diana Mohd Mahuedin, Mohd Arif Shuib, Zarina Mat Saad & Jasni Sulong  (2016) Social Interactions and Emotional Experiences During Hajj. Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial/Journal of Social Development (Special Issue) .19 (2), 33-46.

Salahuddien Ayob, Hashim, I.H.M., Zulkarnain Ahmad Hatta & Jasni Sulong (2016).. Hajj and happiness: Subjective well-being of Malaysian Hujjaj in fulfilling their lifelong dream Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial/Journal of Social Development (Special Issue) .19 (2), 103-120.

 Yeo Yet Phing & Hashim, I.H.M. (2016) An Exploratory study of Gratitude-triggering Events. Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial/Journal of Social Development (Special Issue) .19 (2), 157-178.

Kee Chong Wei & Hashim, I.H.M. (2016) Time allocation Among youth in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Youth Studies, 14. 91-106.

Siamak Khodarahimi , Hashim, I.H.M., Norzarina Mohd-Zaharim (2016). Attachment Styles, Perceived Stress and Social Support in a Malaysian Young Adults Sample, Psychologica Belgica, 56, 1, 14

Quyen, L. T. D., Mohd Zaharim, N., & Hashim, I.H.M. (2015). The effect of an informal values education programme on the development of responsibilities among 5th Grade students from ethnic minority groups in Viet Nam. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 23 (4), 979-994.

Zhooriyati Sehu Mohammed & Hashim, I.H.M. (2015). Hubungan Intepersonal Golongan Pengkid di Malaysia. Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial/Journal of Social Development.18, 97-116

Premalatha Karupiah, Hashim, I.H.M. & Norzarina Mohd-Zaharim  (2014) Learning from student expectations of higher education: a study in a public university in Malaysia Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education  6(1), 21-35

Hashim, I.H.M. (2013) Advancing positive psychology in South East Asia: the importance of culture. Journal of Educational, Health and Comunity Psychology.2 (2) 10-16.

Bader, H, Hashim, I.H.M. & Mohd Zaharim, N. (2013). Workplace friendships among bank employees in eastern Libya. Digest of Middle East Studies, 22 (1), 94-116.

Hoesni, S. M, Hashim, I. H. M.& Sarah, W.M.H. (2013). Exploring expression of marital love prototype among married urban Malays. Asian Social Sciences. 9 (2), 245-256.

Hashim, I., Mohd-Zaharim, N. & Khodarahimi, S. (2012). Factors predicting inter-ethnic friendships at workplace. Interpersona, 6 (2) , 191-199

Hashim, I., Mohd-Zaharim, N. & Khodarahimi, S. (2012). Perceived similarities and satisfaction among friends of the same and different ethnicity and sex at workplace. Psychology, 3, 621-625

Hoesni, S. M, Hashim, I. H. M.& Ab Rahman, Z. (2012). A Preliminary study; What is love in a marriage? Asian Social Sciences. 8 (9), 57-65.

Khodarahimi, S., Hashim, I.H.M. & Mohd-Zaharim, N, (2012) Perceived stress, positive-negative emotions, personal values and perceived social support in Malaysian undergraduate students. International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 2(1): 1-8

Khodarahimi, S., Hashim, I. H. M., & Mohd Zaharim, N. (2012). Workplace relationships, stress, depression, and anxiety in a Malaysian sample. International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 1-9.

Hashim, I.H.M. & Siamak Khodarahimi (2012) The Development of Friendships and its Relationship with Loneliness in a Malaysian Sample. Social Behavior and Personality, 40 (2):227-138

Suriati Ga, Colonius Aa, Narimah Sa , Norizan MNa, Azlinda Ab, Intan Hashimah HbKhairiah Salwa Mc (2012). Knowledge and Awareness of Malaysian Cancer Patients and their Family towards Facing and Coping with Cancer. Health and the Environment Journal, 3, (2): 38-40
S.M. Hoesni, I.H.M. Hashim, Sheau Tsuey Chong, M.S. Mohamad, Kamaruzaman Jusoff, N. Subhi, N. Sarnon, S. Nen and Z.M. Lukman (2011). Subjective Meanings and Expressions of Marital Love among Soon-To-Be-Married Urban Malays. World Applied Sciences Journal. Special Issue of Social and Psychological Sciences for Human Development. 12.

Khodarahimi, S,Hashim, I.H.M. & Mohd-Zaharim, N, (2011) Cyclothymic Hypersensitive Temperament Construct, Emotion Regulation, Positive and Negative Emotions and Attachment Style in a Non-clinical Sample: Gender and Ethnic Differences and Predictors. Individual Differences Research. 9 (3):183-198

Nor Hafizah Selamat, Hashim, I.H.M., Salfarina Abdul Gapor & Juliana Abdul Wahab (2010) The experience of collective action in capacity building programs: A case study of fishermen’s wives group in Malaysia. European Journal of Social Sciences. Vol 16, No.4, 499-510.

Suzana Mohd Hoesni & Hashim, I.H.M. (2008). Relationship between Definition and Expression of Love: A Focus on Malay Adults. International Journal of Psychology, 43, 686-687.

Hashim, I.H.M. (2008). Relationships through ICT: A focus in Malaysian university students. International Journal of Psychology, 43, 774.

Hashim, I.H.M. (2007). The development of social network at workplace for new teachers.Kajian Malaysia Vol 23, No.2,

Hashim, I.H.M. (2004). Stress, coping and social supports in the adolescent years. Kajian Malaysia Vol 25, No.1, 97-115.

Book chapters

Noraida Endut, Hashim, I.H.M, Azwan Azman Azmawati (2015) Young Adult’s Perceptions of Marriage and Domestic Violence in Malaysia. In Translating Women’s Experience into Classroom Teaching. KWDI. 24 pages. 978-89-8491-698-2

Noraida Endut & Hashim, I.H.M, (2018) Justicies and enforcement agencies personnel in Malaysian and their views on domestic violence, marriage and religion. In Law and Society in Malaysia. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. 24 pages. 978-1-138-30756-8

Hashim, I.H.M. & Noraida Endut (2009). A study on attitude towards domestic violence.In Building Asian Families and Communities in the 21st Century. Editor Jas Laile Suzana Jaafar & Sherry McCarthy. Cambridge Scholar Publishing. NewsCastle Upon Tyne.UK

Hashim, I.H.M. & Noraida Endut (2009). A picture of violence from a Malaysian perspective. In Building Asian Families and Communities in the 21st Century. Editor Jas Laile Suzana Jaafar & Sherry McCarthy. Cambridge Scholar Publishing. NewsCastle Upon Tyne.UK

Tan Chee Seng & Hashim, I.H.M. (2009) An Investigation on Relationship between Creativity, Problem solving and Life Stress: A Study on Malaysian College Students.In Building Asian Families and Communities in the 21st Century. Editor Jas Laile Suzana Jaafar & Sherry McCarthy. Cambridge Scholar Publishing. NewsCastle Upon Tyne.UK

Morshidi Sirat, Hashim, I.H.M., Azman Azwan Azmawati, Azrina Husin, Noraida Endut & Shukran Abdul Rahman (2008). Understanding Shortcut Behaviour. in Zailan Morris, Hajar Abdul Rahim & Shakila Abdul Manan (Eds.), Higher Education in the Asia Pacific: Emerging Trends in Teaching and Learning. Pulau Pinang: Penerbit USM.

Noraida Endut & Intan Hashimah Mohd Hashim (2009). The nature and impact of domestic violence: A study of survivors of wife abuse. In Cecilia Ng, Noraida Endut & Rashidah Shuib (eds.). Gender Studies: A Malaysian Reader. Penang: Penerbit USM.

Premalatha Karupiah, Intan Hashimah Mohd Hashim & Norzarina Mohd Zaharim (2012). Understanding, Expectation and Aspiration of the APEX Status in Universiti Sains Malaysia A Pilot Study in Ooi Keat Gin (ed) In Pursuit of Excellence and Sustainability: Universiti Sains Malaysia and the Accelerated Programme for Excellence (APEX) Journey, Volume I: The Road Ahead. Penerbit USM


STU 231 Asas-Asas Psikologi (Introduction to psychology) (Undergraduate)

STU 242 Psikologi Sosial (Social psychology) (Undergraduate)

SGS 502 Research Methods and analysis for Gender studies (Postgraduate)



Leong Min See, Graduated August 2003, Perlaksanaan Kumpulan Bermain Dengan Kanak-kanak Yang Bermasalah Tingkahlaku, Co-supervisor. Masters.

Husmiati, Graduated August 2004, Stres Kerja dan Kelesuan Kerja di Kalangan Pekerja Khidmat Manusia: Satu Kajian Kes Ke Atas Pekerja Sosial dan Pekerja Koreksional, Main supervior, Masters.

Aisthah Rameela, Graduated August 2005, Nurses’s Attitude Towards Mentally Ill; A Focus on Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Maldives, Main supervisor, Masters.

Tan Kien Hooi, Graduated August 2005, Fungsi-fungsi Pekerja Asuhan Di rumah Kanak-kanak di Pulau Pinang, co-supervior, Masters.

Tan Chee Seng, Graduated August 2009. An Investigation into the relationships between creativity, problem solving and life stress: A focus on Malaysian University Students. Main supervisor, Masters.


Zhooriyati Sehu Mohamad , Graduated September 2012. Hubungan Interpersonal Golongan 'Penkid'. Main supervisor, Masters.

Ooi Pei Wen, Graduated September 2012.Perceptions of Parental Involvement among Adolescents in Penang and Kedah Main supervisor, Masters

Yulia Azriza. Graduated September 2013. The Influence Of Gender Stereotypes On Career Interests Of Children In Grades 1 And 5, With Gender Role And Academic Self-Efficacy As Mediators, And Grade In School As A Moderator. Co-supervisor, PhD.

Hind Bader. Graduated April 2014. The Relationship Between Interpersonal Relationships At The Workplace And Job Satisfaction: A Focus On Wahda Bank Employees In Eastern Libya. Main supervisor, PhD.

Alif Muarifah. Graduated November 2015. Factors Contributing to Aggresion Among Adolescent in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta . Main supervisor, PhD.

Mulyadi Imami. Graduated November 2015. A Comparative Study of Altruism Among Four major Ethnic Groups in Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara. Main supervisor, PhD.

Poneh Sabet. Graduated November 2015.Application of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy in Adjustment to Divorce: A Comparison between Individual and Group Therapy among Iranian Divorced Women . Main supervisor, PhD

Le To Do Quyen. Graduated 2016. The Influence Of Parental Values On The Value Systems Of Youth From Ethnic Majority And Minority Groups In Vietnam Co-supervisor, PhD.

Hamid Reza Keshavarzian. Graduated 2016. The Investigation Of Communicative Styles Of Iranian Parents And Their Adolescent’s Mental Health. Main supervisor, PhD.

Nuannut Khieowan. Graduated 2017. Exploring Factors Contributing to Adjusment of Migrants from Myanmar: A Case Study of Phuket Main supervisor, PhD.

Zhooriyati Sehu Mohamed.Graduated 2017. Emotional Experience during Hajj in the Context of Religiosity and Spirituality. Main supervisor, PhD.

Puwardi. Graduated 2017. The Influences of Parenting, Local Wisdom, and Religiosity on Emotional Maturity in the Development of Adolescents' Self-Identity Status Co supervisor, PhD.

Abdul Aziz Rusman. Graduated 2019. Relationship between religiosity and happiness: The mediation role of self control, self regulation and life satisfaction. Main supervisor, PhD.



  • Mediating Negative Affects Related to Crime by Youth- The roles if social connectedness within community. RU –Top down. 1 September 2014—31 August 2016. 1 year. Principle Investigator.
  • Ketegangan dan perkembangan sistem sokongan sosial di tempat kerja; satu fokus kepada guru sekolah, USM Short-term, Jun 2000 to Mei 2001, One year. Principle investigator.
  • Kajian Psikososial Isteri yang Mengalami Keganasan Rumahtangga , USM Short-term, Jan 2002 to Dec 2004, 2 years. Principle investigator.
  • Strategi Dayatindak Remaja Dalam Menghadapi Krisis Kehidupan USM Short-term, Jan 2002 to Dec 2004, 2 years. Principle investigator.
  • Faktor penyumbang kesejahteraan isteri tidak bekerja. USM short-term. 15 Mac 2007- 14 Mac 2009. 2 years. Principle investigator.
  • Elements of Supportiveness and Conflict in Friendships. USM short-term. 1 March 2008-28 February 2010. Principle investigator.
  • The influence of self efficacy and religiosity on how working adults `cope stress from everyday life. USM short term. March 2007-february 2010. Co-researcher.
  • Relationships and Well-being of Elderly People in a Rural Area. USM short term. March 2007-february 2010. Co-researcher.
  • The Nature of Relationship Between Domestic Maids and Employers. FRGS. 15 January 2007- 14 January 2010. Principle investigator.
  • Inter-ethnic relationships at Work place. 15 February 2009-14 February 2011. Principle investigator.
  • A Study of Enforcement & Justice Agencies Within Legas Framework of Domestic Violence in Malaysia. RU grant. October 2007-September 2010. Co-researcher.
  • Single women and single mothers: A study of the construction of gender roles and identity. RU grant. October 2007-September 2010. Co-researcher
  • Developing a theoretical model of collective action for empowerment in Malaysian’s women organization. RU grant. October 2007-September 2010. Co-researcher
  • Identifying characteristics of first generation students in Universiti Sains Malaysia, IPPTN Grant, May 2011 – December 2011, Co-principle investigator.
  • Pembuangan bayi dan aktiviti seks luar nikah,Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, 24/1/2011 - 25/7/2011 Co-researcher


  • Investigating meaning in life and other related constructs among young people in Malaysia RUI. 1 Dis 2019—30 Nov 2020 Principle Investigator.
  • Participation in higher education: Issues, challenges and policy implication, MOHE Grant. April 2012 – October 2012. Principle investigator.
  • Localized theoretical model of children’s mental health and resilience as predicted by parental marital relationship, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme, August 2011 – July 2013, Co-researcher
  • General Self Efficacy, Emotional Intelligence, Happiness, Hardiness and Optimism Among Malaysian Adolescents. RU grant.15 Disember 2010-15 November 2013. Principle investigator.

Research Interests

  • Social Psychology
  • Positive Pschology
  • Happiness
  • Well-Being