Desrosiers, A., Chooi, W. T., Mohd Zaharim, N., et al. (In press). Drug use patterns and treatment needs among individuals using opiates and amphetamine-type stimulants in Kota Bharu region of Malaysia. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs.
Khodarahimi, S., Hashim, I.H.M., & Mohd-Zaharim, N. (2016). Attachment styles, perceived stress and social support in a Malaysian young adults sample. Psychologica Belgica, 56(1), 65–79.
Alvani, S. R., Mohd Zaharim, N., & Kimura, L. W. (2015). Effect of group cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) on psychological well-being and glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes. International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries, 35(2), 284-289.
Alvani, S. R., Mohd Zaharim, N., & Kimura, L. W. (2015). Defining the relationship of psychological well-being and diabetes distress with glycemic control among Malaysian type 2 diabetics. Practice in Clinical Psychology, 3(3), 167-176.
Chooi, W. T., Mohd Zaharim, N., Desrosiers, A., et al. (2015). Evaluation of cognitive functioning of individuals with co-occurring opiate and amphetamine-type stimulants use disorders in Malaysia. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 156, e43-e44.
Schottenfeld, R. S., Chawarski, M. C., Sofuoglu, M., Chooi, W. T., Mohd Zaharim, N., et al. (2015).Pilot study of atomoxetine for BUP/NX-maintained patients with co-occurring opioid and ATS use disorder. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 156, e200.
Quyen, L. T. D., Mohd Zaharim, N., & Hashim, I. H. M. (2015). The effect of an informal values education program on the development of concept of responsibilities among 5th grade students from ethnic minority groups in Vietnam. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 23(4), 979-994.
Quyen, L. T. D., & Mohd Zaharim, N. (2015). Exploring the ethnic identity of youth from ethnic minority and majority groups in Viet Nam. Asian Social Science, 11(1), 74-83.
Quyen, L. T. D., & Mohd Zaharim, N. (2015). A comparison between the same-ethnicity and cross-ethnicity friendship quality of adolescents in Viet Nam. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 7(1), 1-8.
AbdAleati, N. S., Mohd Zaharim, N., & Othman Mydin, Y. (2014). Religiousness and mental health: Systematic review study. Journal of Religion and Health. DOI 10.1007/s10943-014-9896-1
Jelani, J., Tan, A K. G., & Mohd Zaharim, N. (2015). Demand for extracurricular activities amongst primary school students: Exploratory evidence from survey data in Penang (Malaysia). Asia Pacific Educational Research, 24(1), 125-135.
Quyen, L. T. D., Mohd Zaharim, N., Hashim, I. H. M., Le, M. T, & Sam, R. (2014). A comparison of youth’s value systems: The case of Vietnamese ethnic groups. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 6(2), 128-136.
Mohd Zaharim, N. (2013). LSP302/05 Counseling: Theory and practice. Penang: Wawasan Open University.
Quyen, L. T. D., Mohd Zaharim, N., Hao, N. K., & Son, H. V. (2013). The concept of responsibilities among 5th grade students from ethnic minority groups in Viet Nam. Asian Social Science, 9(9), 99-106.
Bader, H. A. M., Hashim, I. H. M., & Mohd Zaharim, N. (2013). Workplace friendships among bank employees in Eastern Libya. Digest of Middle East Studies, 22(1), 94-116.
Hashim, I. H. M., Mohd Zaharim, N., & Khodarahimi, S. (2012). Perceived similarities and satisfaction among friends of the same and different ethnicity and sex at the workplace. Psychology, 3(8), 621-625.
Hashim, I. H. M., Mohd Zaharim, N., & Khodarahimi, S. (2012). Factors predicting friendships at the workplace. Interpersona, 6(2), 191-199.
Othman Mydin, Y., Mohd Zaharim, N., & Ahmad Almashor, S. H. (2012). Correlates between insomnia, psychological distress, and daytime sleepiness of Malaysian adults with symptoms of insomnia. ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 13(2), 122-127.
Khodarahimi, S., Hashim, I. H. M., & Mohd Zaharim, N. (2012). Workplace relationships, stress, depression, and anxiety in a Malaysian sample. International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 1-9.
Khodarahimi, S., Hashim, I. H. M., & Mohd Zaharim, N. (2012). Perceived stress, positive-negative emotions, personal values and perceived social support in Malaysian undergraduate students. International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 2(1), 1-8.
Mohd Zaharim, N. (2011). Religiosity and religious coping of Malaysians (Südostasien Working Paper No. 43). Berlin, Germany: Humboldt-Universität.
Khodarahimi, S., Hashim, I. H. M., & Mohd Zaharim, N. (2011). Cyclothymic hypersensitive temperament, emotion regulation, positive and negative affects and attachment style in a non-clinical sample: Gender and ethnic differences and predictors. Individual Differences Research, 9(3), 183-198.
Wadaa, N. N., Mohd Zaharim, N., & Askar, S. A. (2010). The effect of pre-event beliefs of parents and posttraumatic stress disorder on Iraqi children. Journal of Psychology and Education, 68, 407-430.
Ch’ng, K. S., & Mohd Zaharim, N. (2010). Confirmation bias and the convergence of beliefs: Agent-based approach. Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, 47(1), 19-31.
Wadaa, N. N., Mohd Zaharim, N., Alqashan, H. F. (2010). The use of EMDR in treatment of traumatized Iraqi children. Digest of Middle East Studies, 19(1), 26-36.
Wadaa, N. N., & Mohd Zaharim, N. (2008). Children of Iraqi families at Universiti Sains Malaysia: Coping with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Arabpsynet Journal, 20, 1-4.
Mohd Zaharim, N. (2008). Conceptualization and measurement of self-efficacy in Malaysian children and young adults. International Journal of Psychology, 43(3-4), 410.
Mohd Zaharim, N. (2008). Stress and coping among Malaysian university students. International Journal of Psychology, 43(3-4), 796.
Mohd Zaharim, N., Chooi, W. T., Kasinather, V. B., Mohd Yasin, M. A., Ahmad, I., Desrosiers, A., Schottenfeld, R. S., & Chawarski, M. C. (2015, March). Behavioral drug and HIV risk reduction counseling for treatment of co-occurring opioid and amphetamine-type stimulant use disorders in Kota Bharu, Malaysia. Paper presented at the International Convention of Psychological Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Mohd Zaharim, N., & Hashim, I. H. M. (2014, July). Hardiness mediates the link between happiness and academic performance among adolescents. Paper presented at the 7th European Conference on Positive Psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Hashim, I. H. M., & Mohd Zaharim, N. (2014, July). Meaning in life and happiness among Malaysian adolescents. Paper presented at the 7th European Conference on Positive Psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Mohd Zaharim, N., Chooi, W. T., Kasinather, V. B., Mohd Yasin, M. A., Ahmad, I., Desrosiers, A., Schottenfeld, R. S., & Chawarski, M. C. (2013, November). A counseling model for co-occurring opioid and amphetamine-type stimulants dependence in Kota Bharu, Malaysia. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of International Society of Addiction Medicine, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Mohd Zaharim, N., & Hashim, I. H. M. (2013, September). Malaysian children’s mental health, well-being, and academic performance are affected by parental marital relationship. Paper presented at the 16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Hashim, I. H. M., & Mohd Zaharim, N. (2013, September). Perceptions of happiness inducing events among Malaysian adolescents. Paper presented at the 16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Mohd Zaharim, N. (2012, December). Contemporary Malaysian families: Reflections of micro- and macro-level identity and connectivity. Paper presented at the School of Social Sciences International Workshop “Beyond Borders: Connectivity and Identity Change in East Asia”, Penang, Malaysia.
Mohd Zaharim, N., & Hashim, I. H. M. (2012, July). Values, closeness, living arrangements, and interactions in Malaysian families. Paper presented at the International Association for Relationship Research 2012 Conference, Chicago, U.S.A.
Hashim, I. H. M., & Mohd Zaharim, N. (2012, July). Positive and negative emotions in interaction among close friends. Paper presented at the International Association for Relationship Research 2012 Conference, Chicago, U.S.A.
Mohd Zaharim, N., Hashim, I. H. M., & Khodarahimi, S. (2011, July). Interethnic friendships and interactions among Malaysian university students are related to ethnicity and ethnic identity. Paper presented at the 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.
Mohd Zaharim, N., Karupiah, P., & Hashim, I. H. M. (2011, May). Perception of marginalization predicts understanding of organizational policies, expectation of benefits, aspirations, and work motivation. Poster session presented at the 23rd Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
Mohd Zaharim, N., & Hashim, I. H. M. (2010, October). Predictors of coping strategies for Malaysian youths and adults. Paper presented at the ASEAN Regional Union of Psychological Societies 3rd Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Mohd Zaharim, N., & Hashim, I. H. M. (2010, July). Stress and resilience in Malaysian working adults. Poster session presented at the XXth Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Melbourne, Australia.
Mohd Zaharim, N., & Hashim, I. H. M. (2010, May). Religious coping and religiosity of Malaysian working adults. Poster session presented at the 22nd Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Boston, U.S.A.
Mohd Zaharim, N. (2009, August). Religious coping and religiosity of Malaysian children and youths. Paper presented at the 117th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Mohd Zaharim, N. (2008, July). Conceptualization and measurement of self-efficacy in Malaysian children and young adults. Paper presented at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.
Mohd Zaharim, N. (2007, August). Self-efficacy of Malay children in coping with everyday stress. Paper presented at the 13th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Jena, Germany.
STU243 Developmental Psychology (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
STU338 Counseling (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
Postgraduate Supervision (as Main Supervisor)
Naziha S. A. Abdelati, The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy with selected Islamic content for depressed adults in Libya (Ph.D.) (passed viva, amending thesis)
Adel Ahmed Mohammed Al-Namrani, Construction of an intelligence scale for secondary school students in Sana’a, Yemen (passed viva, amending thesis)
Hasnida, Penerokaan keperluan kriminogenik, jantina dan jenis jenayah terhadap risiko berulangnya jenayah dalm kalangan banduan di Medan dan Jakarta (Ph.D.) (passed viva, amending thesis)
Mujidin, Pengaruh persekitaran keagamaan terhadap kecerdasan spiritual dan kebermaknaan hidup siswa (Ph.D.) (passed viva, amending thesis)
Le To Do Quyen, The influence of parental values on the value systems of youth from ethnic majority and minority groups in Vietnam (Ph.D.) (graduated 2016)
Nurul Atielia Mohd Shafian, Relationships of adolescents’ usage of SNSs to their academic performance and face-to-face interaction with family members (M.Soc.Sc.) (graduated 2016)
Seyed Reza Alvani, The effects of group cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) on stress and psychological well-being in adults with type 2 diabetes (Ph.D.) (graduated 2015)
Teaw Siew Looi, Effects of applied behavior modification on the mathematical learning of children with autism (M.Soc.Sc.) (graduated 2015)
Oon Hooi Fen, Personality, demographic, and illness factors influence depression and suicidal ideation among cancer patients (M.Soc.Sc.) (graduated 2014)
Hapidzah Abdul Hamid, Kaitan antara hubungan dengan ibu bapa, pengaruh rakan sebaya, identiti diri, estim diri dan tingkah laku delinkuen dalam kalangan pesalah juvana (M.Soc.Sc.) (graduated 2014)
Yulia Ayriza Weliandra, The influence of gender stereotypes on career interests of children in grades 1 and 5, with gender role and academic self-efficacy as mediators, and grade in school as a moderator (Ph.D.) (graduated 2013)
Yasmin Othman Mydin, The influence of psychological distress, life events and lifestyle on insomnia among working adults in Georgetown, Penang (Ph.D.) (graduated 2012)
Najlaa N. Wadaa, The effectiveness of eye-movement desensitization and reproscessing (EMDR) on Iraqi child war victims with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Baghdad (Ph.D.) (graduated 2011)
Postgraduate Supervision (as Co-Supervisor)
Alif Muarifah, Factors that influence aggression among adolescents in Yogyakarta (Ph.D.) (graduated 2015)
Muliadi Imami, A comparative study of altruism among four major ethnic groups in Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara (Ph.D.) (graduated 2015)
Poneh Sabetsarvestani, Application of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) in adjustment to divorce: A comparison between individual and group therapy among Iranian divorced women (Ph.D.) (graduated 2015)
Wahbalbari Amir Ahmed, Scarcity thinking and human wants among Muslims in Klang Valley: Re-examining the concept of scarcity in economics (Ph.D.) (graduated 2014)
Hind A. M. Bader, The relationship between interpersonal relationships at the workplace and job satisfaction: A focus on Wahda Bank employees in Eastern Libya (Ph.D.) (graduated 2013)
Ali Yousif Nori, Stress in academic life of pharmacy students: Psychophysiological assessment via cardiovascular reactivity experiment (M.Sc.) (graduated 2011)
Research Grants
Developing international collaboration in addiction research between Universiti Sains Malaysia and Yale University, International Research Collaboration Fund of Universiti Sains Malaysia, June 2013 – June 2016, Co-Researcher (Principal Investigator: Vicknasingam B. Kasinather)
Drug counseling and abstinent-contingent take home buprenorphine in Malaysia, Yale University Grant, March 2013 – February 2016, Co-Researcher (Principal Investigator: Vicknasingam B. Kasinather)
Development of medical treatments for co-occurring opioid (heroin or morphine) and amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) dependence (COATS), Research University Team Grant, January 2013 – January 2017, Co-Researcher (Principal Investigator: Vicknasingam B. Kasinather)
Ethnographic and psychological atlas of Malaysian families: A cross-national comparison, USM Short-Term Research Grant, September 2011 – September 2013, Principal Investigator
Localized theoretical model of children’s mental health and resilience as predicted by parental marital relationship, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme, August 2011 – July 2013, Principal Investigator
General self-efficacy, emotional intelligence, happiness, hardiness and optimism among Malaysian adolescents, Research University Grant, January 2011 – December 2013, Co-Researcher (Principal Investigator: Intan Hashimah Mohd Hashim)
Dual identity: The relevance and salience of religion and ethnicity in everyday life of the Malays in Penang, Malaysia, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany) Research Scholar Exchange Grant, November 2010 – January 2011, Principal Investigator
Interethnic relationships at the workplace, Research University Grant, February 2009 – May 2011, Co-Researcher (Principal Investigator: Intan Hashimah Mohd Hashim)
Elements of supportiveness and conflict in friendships, USM Short-Term Research Grant, March 2008 – February 2010, Co-Researcher (Principal Investigator: Intan Hashimah Mohd Hashim)
The influence of self-efficacy and religiosity on how working adults cope with stress from everyday life, Short-Term Research Grant of Universiti Sains Malaysia, December 2007 – December 2009, Principal Investigator
Research Interest
- Child Socioemotional Development
- Family Relationship
- Resilience
- Substance Use Disorder
- Visiting Scholar at Yale University (USA)
- Reviewer for Divisin 7 of America Psychological Association (USA)
- Visiting Scholar at Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin (Germany)
- Review Editor for Frontier in Psychology (Switzerland)