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Saidatulakmal Mohd  
Professor, Dr.

Ph.D. (Birmingham), M.Ec. (UM), B.A. (Ann Arbor, Michigan)

Saidatulakmal Mohd is currently active in the area of welfare economics, social protection and tourism and heritage economics. Her international experiences include research collaborations with the UNRISD, UNDESA, World Bank, Univers Foundation and SEASREP. Her consultancy works involve local and international agencies such as Penang State Government, Economic Planning Unit, OECD Policy Center, Korea and Open Budget Partnership, USA.


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publication Teaching Research Supervision
 Citations - 1199  Undergraduate - 3  International - 9  Ph.D - 8
 h-index - 13  Postgraduate - 2  National - 16  Masters - 13
     University - 8  

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Journal/E-Journal/Journal Proceeding (each publication)

1.   Mohd, S., Abdul Latiff, A. R., Mohd Noor, R., & Syed Azhar, S. N. F. (2022). Ethnic Variability of Health-Promoting Behaviours of Older Adults in Malaysia. Journal of Population Ageing, 1-21. Indexed in WoS.Q3

2.   Nilashi, M., Abumalloh, R. A., Alrizq, M., Alghamdi, A., Samad, S., Almulihi, A., ... & Mohd, S. (2022). What is the impact of eWOM in social network sites on travel decision-making during the COVID-19 outbreak? A two-stage methodology. Telematics and Informatics, 69, 101795. Indexed in WoS.Q1

3.   Nilashi, M., Abumalloh, R. A., Minaei-Bidgoli, B., Zogaan, W. A., Alhargan, A., Mohd, S., ... & Samad, S. (2022). Revealing travellers’ satisfaction during COVID-19 outbreak: Moderating role of service quality. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 64, 102783. Indexed in WoS.Q1

4.   Yusuf, A., & Mohd, S. (2022). Growth and Fiscal Effects of Insecurity on the Nigerian Economy. The European Journal of Development Research, 1-27. Indexed in SCOPUS.

5.   Mohd, S., Latiff, A. R. A., Pitchay, A. A., & Daud, L. (2021). The Impact of Climate Change on Malaysia Tourism and Economic Sectors: An Input-Output Analysis. Indexed in WoS.

6.   Ahani, A., Nilashi, M., Zogaan, W. A., Samad, S., Aljehane, N. O., Alhargan, A., Mohd, S., ... & Sanzogni, L. (2021). Evaluating medical travelers’ satisfaction through online review analysis. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 48, 519-537. Indexed in WoS. Q1

7.   Abumalloh, R. A., Asadi, S., Nilashi, M., Minaei-Bidgoli, B., Nayer, F. K., Samad, S., Mohd, S.... & Ibrahim, O. (2021). The impact of coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on education: The role of virtual and remote laboratories in education. Technology in Society, 67, 101728. Indexed in WoS. Q1

8.   Nilashi, M., Minaei-Bidgoli, B., Alrizq, M., Alghamdi, A., Alsulami, A. A., Samad, S., & Mohd, S. (2021). An analytical approach for big social data analysis for customer decision-making in eco-friendly hotels. Expert Systems with Applications, 186, 115722. Indexed in WoS.Q1

9.   Mohd, S., Abdul Latiff, A. R., & Senadjki, A. (2019). Travel Behavior of Elderly in George Town and Malacca, Malaysia. Sustainability, 11(19), 5251. Indexed in WOS, Q2.

10. Mohd, S., Senadjki, A., & Mansor, N. (2018). Trend of Poverty among Elderly: Evidence from Household Income Surveys. Journal of Poverty, Taylor & Francis, 22(2), 89-107, Print ISSN: 1087-5549, Online ISSN: 1540-7608, Indexed in Scopus.

11. Mohd, S., Mohamad Azhar, N.A.Z., Mohd Shakil, N.S., Senadjki, A. & Iran, M.D.G. (2018). Pockets of Poverty in Northern States of Malaysia. Geografia - Malaysia Journal of Society and Space, Special Issue, November 14(4). 1-10. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, e-ISSN 2680-2491, Indexed in Indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index – Clarivate Analysis.

12. Mohd, S., Rahmat, S.R., Samsurijan, M.S. & Azman, A., (2018). Knowledge Transfer Program – An Inclusive Conceptual Framework Model for Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, HR MARS, 598-606, ISSN: 222-6990. Indexed in ERA 2015.

13. Mohd, S., Senadjki, A., & Mansor, N. (2017). Living Arrangements of Elderly: Evidence from Household Income Expenditure Survey. Journal of Population Ageing, Springer, 10(4), 323-342, Print ISSN: 1874-7884, Online ISSN 1874-7876, Indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index – Clarivate Analy

14. Saboori, B., Sulaiman, J., & Mohd, S. (2016). Environmental Kuznets curve and energy consumption in Malaysia: A cointegration approach. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 11(9), Taylor & Francis, 861-867. Print ISSN: 1556-7249, Online ISSN: 1556-7257, Indexed in Scopus.

15. Mohd, S., Senadjki, A., Mat Rahim, S. R., Nathan, T.M., Lee, C.Y. & Abd Wahab, M. (2016). Cybercrime among Malaysian youth. Malaysian Journal of Youth Studies, Institute for Youth Research Malaysia, Indexed in Malaysian Journal Management System (MyJurnal) and Malaysian Citation Index (MYCITE).

16. Mohd, S. (2015). Provident Fund For The Informal Sector: A Case Study of the Informal Sector Workers In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Kajian Malaysia: Journal of Malaysian Studies, 53-67, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 33, Print ISSN: 0127-4082, Online ISSN: 2180-4273, Indexed in Scopus.

17. Abdelhak, S., Sulaiman, J., Mohd, S., & Azman, A. (2015). The Role of Institutions In Alleviating The Vulnerability of Farmers to Poverty In Malaysia: A Longitudinal Study. Kajian Malaysia: Journal of Malaysian Studies, 33-52, Universiti Sains Malaysia 33. Print ISSN: 0127-4082, Online ISSN: 2180-4273, Indexed in Scopus.

18. Mohd, S. & Lean, H.H. (2015). Editor’s Introduction. Kajian Malaysia: Journal of Malaysian Studies, i-ix, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 33, Print ISSN: 0127-4082, Online ISSN: 2180-4273, Indexed in Scopus.

19. Mohd, S., Ahmad, N., & Suhaimi, N.A.S. (2015). Tourist participation in George Town, cultural heritage sites: Preliminary findings. Journal of Environment, Society & Space, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 10-21, Online ISSN: 2289-5299.

20. Khoo, S.L. & Mohd, S. (2015) Editorial Note. International Journal of Environment, Society & Space, Universiti Sains Malaysia, i-ii, Online ISSN: 2289-5299.

21. Senadjki, A., Sulaiman, J., & Mohd. S. (2015). Vulnerability to poverty in Malaysia: What a longitudinal data can tell us? Asian Journal for Poverty Studies, 1(1), Regional Network on Poverty Eradication, 8-25, ISSN: 2477-0531, Indexed in Open Archives Initiatives (OAI).

22. Elgilany, A., Sulaiman, J., & Mohd. S. (2014). Assessment and comparison of conventional and modern irrigation systems to manage irrigation water supplies in the River Nile State of Sudan. Desalination and Water Treatment, Taylor & Francis, 52(28-30), 5284-5294, Print ISSN: 1944-3994, Online ISSN: 1944-3986, Indexed in ISI.

23. Elgilany, A., Sulaiman, J., & Mohd. S. (2014). Assessment of socioeconomic aspects in irrigation water use inefficiency in Sudan. Desalination and Water Treatment, Taylor & Francis, 52(28-30), 5295-5305 Print ISSN: 1944-3994, Online ISSN: 1944-3986, Indexed in ISI.

24. Pradhan, M. A. H., Sulaiman, J., & Mohd, S. (2014). An analysis of the millennium development goal 1: The case of Bangladesh. New Zealand Economic Papers, Taylor & Francis, 48(3), 269-284, Print ISSN: 0077-9954 Online ISSN: 1943-4863, Indexed in Scopus.

25. Wang, Y., & Mohd, S. (2013). An Analysis of Fictitious Economy: Reevaluation of Inflation Rate Determinants in China. Journal of Chinese Economics, Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 1(1).

26. Pradhan, M. A. H., Mohd, S., & Sulaiman, J. (2013). An investigation of social safety net programs as means of poverty alleviation in Bangladesh. Asian Social Science, Canadian Center of Science and Education, 9(2), 139, Print ISSN: 1911-2017 Online ISSN: 1911-2025. Indexed in Scopus.

27. Elgilany, A., Sulaiman, J., & Mohd. S. (2012). Economics of farm resource utilization in river nile state of Northern Sudan. Resources and Environment, Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2(6), 248-252, Print ISSN: 2163-2618 Online ISSN: 2163-2634.

28. Elgilany, A., Sulaiman, J., & Mohd. S. (2012). Interplay of agriculture deterioration and poverty incident. International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 2(1), 18-29, Print ISSN: 2165-882X
Online ISSN: 2165-8846.

29. Saboori, B., Sulaiman, J., & Mohd, S. (2012). Economic growth and CO2 emissions in Malaysia: A cointegration analysis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve, Energy Policy. Elsevier, 51, 184-191. ISSN: 0301-4215, Indexed in ISI.

30. Pradhan, M. A. H., Sulaiman, J., & Mohd, S. (2012). Social Safety Nets Programs in Bangladesh: Preparing for Adaption to Demographic Change, Disaster, and Poverty Reduction, Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, ISSTE, 2(10), 174-182. Print ISSN: 2224-5766 Online ISSN: 2225-0484.

31. Senadjki, A., Sulaiman, J., & Mohd. S. (2012). The impact of psychological factors and religious adherence on household’s dealing with poverty –driven vulnerability situation: a critical discourse on Kelantan and Terengganu. Asian Social Science, Canadian Center of Science and Education, 8(2), 192-200, Print ISSN: 1911-2017 Online ISSN: 1911-2025. Indexed in Scopus.

32. Senadjki, A., Sulaiman, J., & Mohd. S. (2012). The Role of Assets in the Enhancement of Households’ Income: A Study of Poverty Alleviation among Rural Communities of Kelantan and Terengganu, Asian Social Science, Canadian Center of Science and Education, 8(11), 145-153, Print ISSN: 1911-2017 Online ISSN: 1911-2025. Indexed in Scopus.

33. Riaz, M. & Mohd, S. (2012). Credit Where Due: A Debate, Public Policy and Administration Research, IISTE, 2(5), 14-21. Print ISSN: 2224-5731 Online ISSN: 2225-0972.

34. Riaz, M. & Mohd, S. (2012). Import nexus of Pakistan, The Business & Management Review, Global Research Society, 3(1), 145-154, ISSN: 2047-0398.

35. Themkamnoet, A. & Mohd, S. (2012). Conservation of Mangrove Forest in Songkla Province, Thailand. Melaka Journal of Heritage, PERZIM, 1, 71-82.

36. Saboori, B., Sulaiman, J., & Mohd, S. (2012). An empirical analysis of the environmental Kuznets Curve for CO2 emissions in Indonesia: the role of energy consumption and foreign trade, International Journal of Economics and Finance, Canadian Center of Science and Education, 4(2), 243-251, Print ISSN: 1916-971X, Online ISSN: 1916-9728.

37. Senadjki, A., Sulaiman, J., & Mohd. S. (2012). Poverty among rural communities in Kelantan and Terengganu: the role of institutions, farmer's risk management and coping strategies, Journal of Applied Sciences, Asian Network for Scientific Information, 12 (2), 123-135, Print ISSN: 1812-5654 Online ISSN: 1812-5662.

38. Senadjki, A., Sulaiman, J., & Mohd. S. (2012). The missing link in understanding and accessing households vulnerability to poverty: a conceptual framework, Trends in Applied Sciences Research, Academic Journals, 7 256-272, Print ISSN: 1819-3578 Online ISSN: 2151-7908.

39. Mohd, S. & Riaz, M. (2012). Demographic Analysis of Poverty: Rural-Urban Nexus, Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, IISTE, 2(6), 19-29, Print ISSN: 2224-607X Online ISSN: 2225-0565.

40. Mohd, S. & Riaz, M. (2012). Impact of Housing Environment on Poverty, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, ISSTE, 3 (8), 155-166, Print ISSN: 2222-1700 Online ISSN: 2222-2855.

41. Mohd, S. & Riaz, M. (2012). Rural-Urban poverty nexus: Impact of Housing Environment, Developing Country Studies ISSTE, 2(6), 29-40, Print ISSN: 2224-607X Online ISSN: 2225-0565.

42. Mohd, S. & Riaz, M. (2012). Characteristics of poverty in Pakistan, Developing Country Studies, ISSTE, 2(5), 67-77, Print ISSN: 2224-607X Online ISSN: 2225-0565.

43. Mohd, S. & Riaz, M. (2012). Application of consistency and efficiency test for forecasts, Mathematical Theory and Modeling, ISSTE, 2(6), 79-89, Print ISSN: 2224-5804 Online ISSN: 2225-0522.

44. Mohd, S. & Riaz, M. (2012). Reinvestigating sources movement in real exchange rate, European Journal of Business and Management, ISSTE, 2012, 4(8), 270-279, Print ISSN: 2222-1905 Online ISSN: 2222-2839.

45. Mohd, S., Riaz, M., Waqas Ameer, M. (2012). Rationality Analysis for ARIMA Forecasts. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, ISSTE, 3(5), 168-177, Print ISSN: 2222-1697 Online ISSN: 2222-2847.

46. Mohd, S. (2011). Book Review Sadiq Ahmad, Saman Kelegama and Ejaz Ghani (eds.) Promoting Economic Cooperation in South Asia: Beyond SAFTA. Sage Publications. International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 7(1), 144-146. ISSN: 1823-6243. Indexed in Scopus.

47. Senadjki, A., Sulaiman, J., & Mohd. S. (2011). A bounds testing to cointegration: An examination of natural disasters and GDP relationship in Southern Africa Region. The International Journal of Applied Economics and Finance, Asian Network for Scientific Information, 5, 213-225, ISSN: 1991-0886.

48. Elgilany, A., Sulaiman, J., & Mohd. S. (2011). Agricultural resources and field crops competition. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Science Publication, 6(3), 384-392, Print ISSN: 1557-4989 Onine ISSN: 1557-4997. Indexed in Scopus.

49. Elgilany, A., Sulaiman, J., & Mohd. S. (2011). Wheat production and economics. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Science Publication, 6(3), 332-338, Print ISSN: 1557-4989 Onine ISSN: 1557-4997. Indexed in Scopus.

50. Azman, A, Sulaiman, J., Mohd, S. & Ismail, B. (2010). Contemporary issues and challenges in poverty: A case study of Malaysia. Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, World Scientific Publishing, 44(2), 135-150, Print ISSN: 0219-2462 Online ISSN: 2424-7731.

51. Mohd, S., Azman, A, Sulaiman, J., & Ismail, B. (2010). Establishing the well-being of the rural-urban elderly population: A case study of Indonesia. Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, World Scientific Publishing, 44 (2), 105-120, Print ISSN: 0219-2462 Online ISSN: 2424-7731.

52. Mohd, S., Azman, A, Sulaiman, J., & Ismail, B. (2010). Financial security protections in Malaysia, Singapore and Philippines: A perspective of two generations. Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, World Scientific Publishing, 44 (2), 89-104, Print ISSN: 0219-2462 Online ISSN: 2424-7731.

53. Mohd, S. (2010) Ethnic Identity Dilemma – A Case Study of the Indian Muslims in Penang, Malaysia, International Review of Business Research Papers, Zant World Press, 1(2), 70-82, Print iSSN: 1837-5685 Online ISSN: 1832-9543, Print ISSN: 0127-4082, Online ISSN: 2180-4273, Indexed in Scopus

54. Mohd, S. (2004). A cointegration analysis of saving rate determinants in Malaysia. Journal of Malaysian Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia. XXII (1), 47-63


Chapter In Research Book (non proceedings) each document

1. Mohd, S., Mansor, N., Awang, H., & Ku Ahmad, S. (2016). Population ageing, poverty and social pension in Malaysia. In Tey, N.P., Cheong, K.C., & Rasiah, R. Revisiting Malaysia’s population-nexus: The past in its future. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press, 151-170.

2. Mohd, S. (2015). Community of enterprises: An approach towards rural development. In Ghazali, S., Samat N. & Sheikh Dawood, S.R. Cluster development in selected Asian countries: Local and regional contexts. Pulau Pinang: Penerbit USM, 129-138.

3. Mohd, S. (2012) Welfare Regime, Social Protection and Poverty Reduction. In Khoo, B.T. ed. Country Study: Malaysia. Policy Regimes and the Political Economy of Poverty Reduction in Malaysia. UNRISD. UK: Palgrave. 115-147.

4. Sulaiman, J. Mohd, S. (2011). Overview of the Penang Region/City Region. In: Morshidi, S., Aniswal, A.G. & Clarene, T. Universities, Communities and Region. 1-30.

5. Mohd, S. & Fernandez, J. (2011). Old cemeteries – Public assessment on the conservation effort of Muhibah Cemetery. In: Mohd, S. Azman, A. Sulaiman, J & Fernandez, J. (eds.) Multifaceted aspects of Asian Heritage. 57-66. School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia: Penang.

6. Mohd, S. & Fernandez, J. (2011). Peninggalan Perang di Pulau Pinang yang hampir dilupakan – Tinjauan terhadap usaha pemuliharaan. In: Mohd, S. Azman, A. & Sulaiman, J. (eds.) Kelestarian Warisan Negara. 155-164. School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia: Penang.

7. Mohd, S. (2011). EPF, pension and saving behaviour of individual. In: Ismail, M.T. & Mustafa, A. (eds.) Research in Mathematics and Economics. 97-110. School of Mathematical Sciences, USM: Penang, Malaysia.

8. Mohd, S. (2010). Differences in Elderly Well-Being by Rural-Urban Areas in Indonesia. Volume 18, Univers Foundation.

9. Mohd, S. (2007). Pembiayaan persaraan jaminan social melalui Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP). In Asan, A.G. ed. Halatuju dan cabaran pembangunan sektoral dan sumber manusa dalam Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan. Sintok: Penerbit Universiti Utara Malaysia. 343-360.



1. Mohd. S., Mohd Shakil, N.S., & Mohamad Azhar, N.A. (2016). Consumption-savings pattern of low-income households towards a sustainable livelihood – a Gender perspective. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Humanities, Social Sciences and Environment, School of Social Sciences and School of Humanities, USM, 5-12, ISBN: 978-967-11473-5-1.

2. Aba, F. X., Yussof, O. M., & Mohd, S. B. (2015). Analysis Of Economic Structure In Poverty Eradication In The Province Of East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 211, 81-88. Indexed in ISI.

3. Mohd, S., Senadjki, A., Che Hamat, A.B. & Bahari, Z. (2015). Income inequality in the Northern States of Malaysia: An analysis of income quintile. Proceedings of International Conference on Development and Socio Spatial Inequalities 2015, School of Humanities, USM, 105-112. ISBN: 978-967-11473-4-4.

4. Bahari, Z., Mohd, S., & Che Hamat, A.B. (2015). Relationship between poverty and inequality: A case study of Bumiputera household in the Northern States of Malaysia. Proceedings of International Conference on Development and Socio Spatial Inequalities 2015, School of Humanities, USM, 113-120. ISBN: 978-967-11473-4-4.

5. Mohamad Azhar, N.A.Z., Mohd, S., Bahari, Z. & Che Hamat, A.B. (2015). Female poverty in the Northern States of Malaysia. Proceedings of International Conference on Development and Socio Spatial Inequalities 2015, School of Humanities, USM, 121-127. ISBN: 978-967-11473-4-4.

6. Mohd Shakil, N.S., Mohd. S., Mohamad Azhar, N.A., Bahari, Z. & Che Hamat, A.B. (2015). Patterns of income distribution in the Northern States of Malaysia: A life cycle approach. Proceedings of International Conference on Development and Socio Spatial Inequalities 2015, School of Humanities, USM, 128-134. ISBN: 978-967-11473-4-4.

7. Mohd, S., Che Hamat, A.F., Idris, M., & Kasim, N.H. (2014). Poverty, education and income inequality in Malaysia: Evidence from the 2009 Household Income Expenditure Survey. Proceedings of International Conference on Contemporary Economic Issues 2014, School of Social Sciences, USM, 111-118, ISBN: 978-967-394-206-0. Indexed in ISI.

8. Nonthapot, S., Mohd, S., & Lean, H.H. (2014). International tourist demand in the Greater Mekong Sub-region countries: A panel ARDL approach. Proceedings of International Conference on Contemporary Economic Issues 2014, School of Social Sciences, USM, 167-174, ISBN: 978-967-394-206-0. Indexed in ISI.

9. Senadjki, A., Mohd, S., & Nathan, T.M. (2014). Decomposing the relationship between renewable energy sources, CO2 emission and per capita GDP: ARDL approach for OECD countries. Proceedings of International Conference on Contemporary Economic Issues 2014, School of Social Sciences, USM, 175-182. ISBN: 978-967-394-206-0. Indexed in ISI.

10. Mohd, S., Ismail, N.A., & Senadjki, A. (2014). Perception and preparation for old age: Case studies in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Manila. Proceedings of International Conference on Contemporary Economic Issues 2014, School of Social Sciences, USM, 199-206. ISBN: 978-967-394-206-0. Indexed in ISI.

11. Mohd, S. (2014). Living arrangements of the elderly in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education and Social Sciences.

12. Mohd, S., & Waqas Ameer, M. (2013). Provident fund for the informal sector. 4th International conference on business and economic research (4th ICBER 2013) proceeding.

13. Mohd, S., (2013). Provident Fund in Malaysia: Sustainability of Retirement Income Provision. Proceedings of 3rd Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference. ISBN: 978-1-922069-19-1

14. Waqas Ameer, M. & Mohd, S. (2012). Retirement Programs in Malaysia. Proceedings USM-AUT International Conference 2012 Sustainable Economic Development: Policies and Strategies, 765-770, ISBN: 978-967-394-115-5. Indexed in ISI.

15. Nontahapot, S., Lean, H.H. & Mohd, S. (2012). Regional Tourism Demand to Lao PDR, Proceedings USM-AUT International Conference 2012 Sustainable Economic Development: Policies and Strategies, 661-670, ISBN: 978-967-394-115-5. Indexed in ISI.

16. Mohammad Abdul Hannan Pradhan, Mohd, S & Jamalludin Sulaiman. (2012). An Analysis of the Millennium Development Goal 1 in Bangladesh. Proceedings USM-AUT International Conference 2012 Sustainable Economic Development: Policies and Strategies, 829-842, ISBN: 978-967-394-115-5. Indexed in ISI.

17. Senadjki, A., Mohd, S., & Sulaiman, J. (2012). Poverty in Algeria; An Institutional Crisis or Developmental Problem? Proceedings USM-AUT International Conference 2012 Sustainable Economic Development: Policies and Strategies, 781-792, ISBN: 978-967-394-115-5. Indexed in ISI.

18. Mohd, S. (2012). Community of Enterprises – An Approach towards Rural Development. Proceedings on Rural Research and Planning Group (RRPG) 3rd International Workshop and Meeting.

19. Riaz, M., & Mohd, S. (2012). Small Medium Enterprise Competitive Issues: HRM depiction in Pakistan. Proceedings National Research and Innovation Conference for Graduate Students in Social Sciences.

20. Mohd, S. (2012). Cottage Tourism for Rural Development. International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research. Business, Economics and Tourism Management III. 6-9.

21. Waqas Ameer, M. & Mohd, S. (2012). Personal Income Tax Progressivity in Pakistan. International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research. Business, Economics and Tourism Management III. 129-133.

22. Riaz, M., & Mohd, S. (2012). Justification of Potential Trade Variables. International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research. History and Society Development. 8-84.

23. Mohd, S., Fernandez, J.L. (2011). Assessing stakeholders’ attitudes on the conservation of Penang’s untapped heritage. International Conference on Humanities. USM.

24. Mohd, S., Sulaiman, J.. & Pradhan, M.A.H. (2011). Living Arrangement of the Elderly: A Comparison between Malaysia and Indonesia. Proceeding Political Economy of Trade Liberalization in Developing East Asia: Sustainability, Governance, and the Role of Small Business. Universiti Brawijaya, Indonesia.

25. Mohd, S. & Waqas Ameer, M. (2011). Provident Fund for the Rural Informal Sector: A Calibration Analysis. Proceeding Political Economy of Trade Liberalization in Developing East Asia: Sustainability, Governance, and the Role of Small Business. Universiti Brawijaya, Indonesia.

26. Sulaiman, J., Mohd, S., & Azman, A. (2011). Re-inventing Agriculture for Malaysia’s Vulnerable and Aged Smallholder Farmers: The New Challenge for the Nation’s Agricultural Sector Under Globalization. Proceeding Political Economy of Trade Liberalization in Developing East Asia: Sustainability, Governance, and the Role of Small Business. Universiti Brawijaya, Indonesia.

27. Sulaiman, S. & Mohd, S. (2011). Malaysia’s Economic Structural Transformation: Whither the Agricultural Sector. 7th ASAE Conference Proceedings.

28. Mohd, S. (2011). Social Protection Schemes for the Elderly: A Comparison among Four Asian Countries. Fourth Annual Poverty and Social Protection Conference Publication. ISBN: 978-86-87043-09-1, 237-245.

29. Mohd, S. & Fernandez, J.L. (2011). Valuing the Almost Forgotten War Relics in Penang: A Contingent Valuation Study. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference, Paris, France, June 24-26 2011. 388-395.

30. Mohd, S., Samat, N., & Ghazali, S. (2011). Agro Tourism for Greener Environment in Penang Island. Proceedings 2nd Regional Conference on Tourism Research (RCTR 2011) “Venturing Into New Tourism Research” 221-230.

31. Thepkamoet, A, & Mohd, S. (2010) The Willingness-To-Pay for Conservation of the Mangrove Forest in Thailand. International Conference on the Preservation and Promotion of Heritage Conference Proceedings.

32. Mohd, S. (2008). Cottage Tourism as an Alternative Source of Income – A Case Study of Homestay Programme in Penang. 6th International Malaysian Studies Conference Proceedings.

33. Mohd, S. (2008). Pulau Pinang Sebagai Destinasi Pelancongan Membeli Belah. 6th International Malaysian Studies Conference Proceedings.

34. Mohd, S. (2008). Development of Tourism Sector in Pulau Pinang – Challenges for the Future. 6th International Malaysian Studies Conference Proceedings.

35. Mohd, S. (2006). Malaysian Social Security Retirement Programmes: A Calibration Analysis. 5th International Malaysian Studies Conference Proceedings.

36. Mohd, S. (2006). Peranan Sekuriti Sosial Dan Pembentukan Masyarakat Sejahtera dan Saksama. In Roziah et. al., ed. Prosiding Konvensyen Kebangsaan Agenda Pembangunan Sosial Ke Arah Pembentukan Masyarakat Sejahtera dan Saksama. Kuala Lumpur: Unit Penerbitan ISM. 220-235.

37. Mohd. S. (2003). A Co-integration Analysis on the Impact of the Social Security Retirement Benefits on the Labour Force Participation Rate of the Elderly. 2nd Malaysian Research Group Conference Proceedings

{slider title="TEACHING" class="gray solid color_content"}
 Undergraduate Teaching/Post-Graduate Teaching

1. SEU338E Tourism Economics, Semester II 2016/17, Undergraduate, 1 lecturer, 19 students.

2. SME561. Micro Issues in Public Sector Economics, Master of Economics Management. Semester II 2016/17, 1 lecturer, 7 students.

3. SEU335E Public Sector Economics I, Semester I 2016/17, Undergraduate, 1 lecturer, 47 students.

4. SEP403E Seminar in Contemporary Economic Issues, Semester I 2016/17, Undergraduate, 16 lecturers, 26 students.

5. SEU338E Tourism Economics, Semester II 2015/16, Undergraduate, 1 lecturer, 27 students.

6. SEP403E Seminar in Contemporary Economic Issues, Semester I 2015/16, Undergraduate, 14 lecturers, 40 students.

7. SEU335E Public Sector Economics I, Semester I 2015/16, Undergraduate, 1 lecturer, 63 students.

8. SEU339E Economic Planning and Project Analysis. Semester I 2015/16. 1 lecturer. 6 students.

9. SEU338E Tourism Economics, Semester II 2014/15, Undergraduate, 1 lecturer, 40 students.

10. SEP403E Seminar in Contemporary Economic Issues, Semester I 2014/15, Undergraduate, 12 lecturers, 43 students.

11. SEU335E Public Sector Economics I, Semester I 2014/15, Undergraduate, 1 lecturer, 58 students.

12. SME504. Issues of the Malaysian Economy. Semester I 2013/14. Masters of Economic Management. 1 lecturer.

13. SEU329E Economics of the Public Sector. Semester I 2013/14. Undergraduate. 1 lecturer. 16 students.

14. SEU335E. Public Sector Economics I. Semester I 2013/14. Undergraduate. 1 lecturer. 64 students.

15. SEP403E. Seminar in Contemporary Economic Issues. Semester I 2013/14. Undergraduate. 10 lecturers. 64 students.

16. SEU329E: Economics of the Public Sector, Semester I 2012/2013. Undergraduate, 1 lecturer, 44 students.

17. SAA551: Economic Transformation for the East and South East Asia, Semester I 2012/13. Master of Social Sciences (Asian Studies). 2 lecturers. 3 students.

18. SME504: Issues in Malaysian Economy. Semester I 2012/13. Master of Economic Management. 1 lecturer. 15 students.

19. SEA302: Economic Transformation in Southeast Asia. Semester II 2011/12. Minor Program. 1 lecturer. 50 Students.

20. SME561: Micro Issues of Public Sector Economics. Semester II 2011/2012. Master of Economics Management. 1 lecturer. 24 students.

21. SME504: Issues in Malaysian Economy. Semester I 2011/12. Master of Economic Management. 1 lecturer. 26 students.

22. SAA551: Economic Transformation for the East and South East Asia, Semester I 2011/12. Master of Social Sciences (Asian Studies). 2 lecturers. 5 students.

23. SEU329E: Economics of the Public Sector, Semester I 2011/2012. Undergraduate, 1 lecturer, 44 students.

24. SME561: Micro Issues of Public Sector Economics. Semester II 2010/2011. Master of Economics Management. 2 lecturers. 5 students.

25. SHE101: Hubungan Etnik, Semester I, 2010/2011, Undergraduate, Guest lecturer (14 lecturers) for one lecture on Hubungan Etnik dalam konteks Ekonomi.

26. SEU329E: Economics of the Public Sector, Semester I 2010/2011. Undergraduate, 1 lecturer, 50 students.

27. SME561: Micro Analysis of Public Sector. Semester II 2009/2010. Master of Economics Management. 1 lecturer. 12 students.

28. SPA507: Issues in Malaysian Economy, Semester II 2009/2010. Master of Public Administration. 2 lecturers. 50 students.

29. SEA205: Malaysian Studies, Semester II, 2009/2010, Guest lecturer (14 lecturers) for one lecture on Malaysian Economy – An Introduction to the Structure of Malaysian Economy.

30. SHE101: Hubungan Etnik, Semester II, 2009/2010, Undergraduate, Guest lecturer (14 lecturers) for one lecture on ‘Hubungan Etnik dalam konteks pembangunan ekonomi.

31. SPA504: Public Sector Economics. Semester I 2009/2010. Master of Public Administration. 1 lecturer. 50 students.

32. SEU329E: Public Sector Economics, Semester I 2009/2010. Undergraduate, 1 lecturer. 55 students.

33. SME561: Micro Analysis of Public Sector. Semester II 2008/2009. Master of Economics Management. 1 lecturer. 12 students.

34. SEA205: Malaysian Studies, Semester II, 2008/2009, Guest lecturer (14 lecturers) for one lecture on Malaysian Economy – An Introduction to the Structure of Malaysian Economy.

35. SHE101: Hubungan Etnik, Semester I, 2008/2009, Undergraduate, Guest lecturer (14 lecturers) for one lecture on ‘Cabaran Terhadap Hubungan Etnik di Malaysia’.

36. SPA504: Economics for the Public Sector. Semester I 2008/2009. Master of Public Administration. 2 lecturers. 90 students.

37. SEU329E: Economics of the Public Sector, Semester I 2008/2009. Undergraduate, 1 lecturer. 98 students.

38. SHE101: Hubungan Etnik, Semester II, 2007/2008, Undergraduate, Guest lecturer (14 lecturers) for one lecture on ‘Cabaran Terhadap Hubungan Etnik di Malaysia dalam Era Global’.

39. SPA507: Issues in Malaysian Economy, Semester II, 2007/2008, Master of Public Administration, 2 lecturers, 20 students.

40. SEU329E: Economics of the Public Sector, Semester I, 2007/2008, Undergraduate, 1 lecturer, 68 students.

41. SPA504: Economics for the Public Sector, Semester I, 2007/2008, Master of Public Administration, 2 lecturers, 30 students.

42. SEW214: Macroekonomi II, Semester II, 2006/2007, Undergraduate, 1lecturer, 168 students.

43. SPA507: Issues in the Malaysian Economy, Semester II 2006/2007, Master of Public Administration, 2 lecturers, 18 students.

44. SPA504: Economics for the Public Sector, Semester I, 2006/2007, Master of Public Administration, 2 lecturers, 20 students.

45. SME561: Micro Analysis of Public Sector, Semester II, 2006/2007, Master of Economics Management, 1 lecturer, 11 students.

{slider title="RESEARCH & CONSULTANCY" class="gray solid"}

Research Grant


1. Hybrid communities in Southeast Asia: Identity, formation, evolution and transformation – Ethnic identity of the Indian Muslims and their identification with he Malays in Penang, Southeast Asian Studies Regional Exchange Program Research-Publication Project, USD1,000 honorarium and travel grant to workshop, 9 – 10 March 2017 (Workshop)

2. Public history in Southeast Asia – The untapped heritage of Penang: From neglect to conservation effort, Southeast Asian Studies Regional Exchange Program Research-Publication Project, USD1,000 honorarium and travel grant to workshop, 30 – 31 March 2017 (Workshop).

3. USM-AUT International Conference 2012. The Japan Foundation Kuala Lumpur, April 2012 – November 2012. RM7.050

4. Differences in Elderly Well-Being by Rural-Urban Areas in Indonesia. Univers Foundation, Japan. Yen930,000. Principal Researcher. November 2008 – October 2009.

5. Old Age Protections in Malaysia, Singapore and The Philippines. South East Asian Regional Exchange Programme (SEASREP), USD15,281, Principal Researcher. March 2007 – April 2008.



(ii) Project Head

1. Kajian Program FACE (Family and Community Empowerment) di DUN Teluk Bahang, Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Negeri Pulau Pinang, RM19,600.46, Prof. Dr. Azlinda (Co project leader), 26 October 2016 – 14 November 2016.

2. Closing the coverage gap for old age protection in Malaysia: The case for universal pension. Social Security Research Center, Universiti Malaya. RM53,440.00. Dr Abdelhak Senadjki. 1 November 2013 – 31 October 2014. Perlanjutan projek RM79,906.84. 1 November 2014 – 31 October 2015.

3. The Welfare of the elderly: Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Social Security Research Center, Universiti Malaya. RM52,680.00. Dr Abdelhak Senadjki. 1 November 2013 – 31 October 2014. Perlanjutan projek RM85,906.84. 1 November 2014 – 31 October 2015.

4. A sustainable social security retirement model designed for the rural informal sectors. Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS). RM49,000. Ogos 2010 – July 2012

(iii) Co-researcher

1. Establishing a KTP programmatic framework for project engagement and integration with national level policies and concepts, Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi, RM495,700, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman, Arman Abdul Razak, Prof. Emeritus Dato’ V. Navartanman, Prof. Dr. Azlinda Azman, Dr. Siti Rahyla, Dr. Mohamad Shaharudin Samsurijan, 1 September 2015 – 31 August 2018.

2. Cost effective and high efficient nano solar cell technology. Geran Skim Penyelidikan Jangkan Panjang (LRGS) Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi. RM 1,147,464. 1 August 2011 – 31 August 2014. Prof. Dato’ Jamalludin Sulaiman, Prof. Azlinda Azman.

3. Development of Vulnerability and Poverty Model of Rural Households in Perlis, Kelantan and Terengganu. RM 50,000. Prof. Azlinda Azman, Prof. Dato’ Jamalludin Sulaiman. 1 August 2011 – 31 Julai 2013.


(i) Project Manager 

1.Health promotions behavior elderly. Research University Top Down. RM50,000. 1 Januari 2017 – 31 December 2017.

2.Pendidikan untuk semua: Menjadikan ia satu realiti, Bahagian Jaringan Industri & Masyarakat, Universiti Sains Malaysia, RM6,800, 26 August 2016 – 1 December 2016.

3.The Forgotten Heritage of Penang – Contingent Valuation Study.  USM Research University Grant. Principal Researcher. Prof. Dr. Chan Ngai Weng, Dr. Jacqueline Liza Fernandez. RM152,108.68. November 2008 – November 2010. 

4.Ethnic Identity and Identification with the Majority Group – A Case Study of the Indian Muslims in Pulau Pinang. USM Research University Grant. Prof. Madya Dr. Azeem Fazwan Ahmad Farouk, Dr. K. Premalatha. RM106,253.68. December 2008 – December 2010.

5.Saving and Social Security Retirement Benefits: A Case Study of Malaysia Using Micro Data. USM Short Term Grant. RM14,418. Principal Researcher. April 2007 – March 2009.

6.Saving, Social Security Retirement Benefits and Labour Supply. USM Incentive Grant. RM1,000. Principal Researcher. March 2006 – February 2007.


(ii) Co-researcher 

1.Kajian Pelan Induk Pulau Pinang: Kajian impak sosioekonomi dan geopolitik. Research Universiti Grant (RU) Top-Down, RM200,000, Prof. Dr. Azlinda Azman (Project leader),  Prof Madya Dr. Azeem Fazwan Ahmad Farouk, Prof. Madya Dr. Azrina Husin, Dr. Mohamad Shaharudin Samsurijan, Dr. Siti Rahyla Rahmat, Dr. Nadhrah A. Kadir, Dr. Sezali Md Darit, 1 March 2016 – 31 May 2016.

2.Spatial inequalities: Framing phenomena, formulating policies. Research University Grant. Prof. Narimah Samat, Prof. Dato’ Jamalludin Sulaiman, Prof. Dato’ Morshidi Sirat, Prof. Dr. Chan Ngai Weng, Prof. Dr. Ruslan Rainis, Prof. Madya Dr. Abdul Fatah Che Hamat, Prof. Madya Dr. Anisah Lee, Prof. Madya Dr. Norizan Md Nor, Prof. Dr. Suriati Ghazali, Datin Dr. AIshah Knight, Dr. Asyirah Abd. Rahim, Prof. Azlinda Azman, Dr. Jabil Mapjabil, Dr. Khoo Suet Leng, Dr. Sharifah Rohayah Syeikh Dawood, Dr. Wan Muhiyuddin Wan Ibrahim, Dr. Zakaria Bahari, Dr. Zikri Mohamad, Dr. ZUllyadini A. Rahaman, En. Aziz Abdul Majid. 

3.Breast, cervical and colorectal cancers: a geographical analysis of case distribution and their relationship with service facilities. Research University Grant. Co Researcher with other 6 team members. RM183,461.02. August 2010 – July 2013.

4.Kajian Transformasi. RM28.300. Februari 2012 – June 2012

5.Kajian Transformasi 2: Birokrasi Institut Pengajian Siswazah dan Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. Septermber 2012. 



Consultancy With Monetary Reward (University / School / Personal)

Principal Consultant


Service International

1.Peer Review of Open Budget Questionnaire 2012. International Budget Partnership. USD1,000 (RM4,400). Principal Consultant. 

2.Peer Review of Open Budget Questionnaire 2010. International Budget Partnership. USD800 (RM3,200). Principal Consultant.1 January – 4 February 2010.

3.Social Protection in Malaysia during time of the crisis. United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA). USD1,500 (6,000) Principal Consultant. 7th September – 7th October 2009. 

4.Poverty Reduction and Policy Regime, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, USD5,000 (RM20,000), Principal Consultant, January 2007 – January 2008.


Service National

5.Services for Stage 1’s Stakeholder Consultation for Developing The Penang Green Agenda (PGA), Penang Green Council, RM194,000, Project Leader with 12 co consultants. June 2017 – March 2018.

6.Research on Bumiputera participation in the tourism sector in Penang. (Kajian Penglibatan Bumiputera dalam Sektor Pelancongan di Pulau Pinang), Penang state government Economic Planning Unit, RM102,846.45, Project Leader with 2 co consultants. October 2006 – April 2007.

7.Research to develop Methodology to Calculate Penang GDP Stage II and III (Kajian Membangunkan Metodologi untuk Pengiraan KDNK Negeri Pulau Pinang Tahap II dan III), Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Pulau Pinang, RM221,070.00, Co Project Leader with 4 co consultantss. Jun 2006 – Januari 2008. 

8.Research to develop Methodology to Calculate Penang GDP Stage I – Mobilisation. (Kajian Membangunkan Metodologi untuk Pengiraan KDNK Negeri Pulau Pinang Mobilisation), Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Pulau Pinang, Co Project Leader with 4 co consultantss. Jun 2006 – Januari 2008


Service International

1.A study on the competition issues of Malaysian container haulage industry. World Bank. RM142,037.70.  25 May 2012 – 30 Nov 2012. Co consultant with other 4 consultants.


2.Income Parity for Balanced Development. Economic Planning Unit. RM713,836.65. 3 months. Co-consultant. 

3.Research on Penang Bumiputera Socioeconomy (Kajian Sosioekonomi Bumiputera Pulau Pinang). Penang Economic Planning Unit. RM308,055.04. Co-consultant. October 2006 – August 2007.

4.Project on the Preparation of Penang Agriculture Development Blueprint (Projek Penyediaan Pelan Induk / Blueprint Pembangunan Pertanian Negeri Pulau Pinang). Penang Economic Planning Unit RM20,000. Co-consultant. October 2006 – December 2006.


Consultation Without Monetary Rewards (with invitation /appointment letter / consultation report or letter of appreciatation)


1.Contributor for the preparation of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) Flagship Report: Combating Poverty and Inequality. 2007 – 2008. 


2.Pilot study on the preparation of Agricultural Based Industry Proposal (Jemputan ke ekspo Industri Asas Tani serta mengadakan kajin rintis bagi penyediaan cadangan penyelidikan Industri Asas Tani Negeri Pulau Pinang). 16 – 19 February 2006. 

3.Consultant for the Preparation of ‘Bab 3 Kependudukan, Gunatenaga dan Pembangunan Sumber Manusia – Rancangan Negeri Pulau Pinang (RNPP2) 2006 – 2010’.  Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri Pulau Pinang. 19th October – 9th November 2005

{slider title="SUPERVISION" class="gray solid color_content"}

Graduate Supervision


1. Damaraj, S.R. Graduated 2017. The long-term financial sustainability of the civil service pension scheme in Malaysia. Co-Supervisor (1 Main Supervisor 1 Co Supervisor)

2. Fransiskus, L.A. Graduated 2015. Evaluation management of regional economic development planning policy in Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia bordering with Timor Leste and Australia. Co-Supervisor (1 Main Supervisor 1 Co Supervisor)

3. Saboori, B. Graduated 2014. The relationship between economic growth, energy consumption and trade with environmental degradation: The case study of five ASEAN countries. Co-Supervisor (1 Main Supervisor 1 Co Supervisor)

4. Nonthapot, S. Graduated 2014. Factors affecting international tourism market of the Greater Mekong Subregion. Co-Supervisor (1 Main Supervisor 1 Co Supervisor)

5. Pradhan, M.A.H. Graduated 2014. Impact of social safety net program on household welfare and poverty reduction in Bangladesh: Am evaluation of vulnerable group development (VGD) program. Co-Supervisor (1 Main Supervisor 1 Co Supervisor)

6. Senadjki, A. Graduated 2013. Vulnerability to poverty: A study of rural population in Kelantan and Terengganu, Malaysia. Co-Supervisor (1 Main Supervisor 1 Co Supervisor)


Active Supervision

1. Mohamad Azhar, N.A.Z. A micro level sustainable livelihood approach – poverty. Main Supervisor. (with 1 Co Supervisor)

2. Mohd Shakil, N.S. Savings behavior of low-income families – A case study of low-income families in Kedah. Main Supervisor.

3. Oriza, R. Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) performance in Aceh Jaya. Main Supervisor. (with 1 Co Supervisor)

4. Yusoff, S.N. Tax behavior of income taxes payers in Malaysia. Main Supervisor. (with 1 Co Supervisor)

5. Waehamah, W. Towards active ageing in Malaysia and Thailand. Main Supervisor.


(i) Master Degree (Research)


1. Ameer, M.W. Graduated 2014. Analysis of extending the provident fund in the informal sector. Main supervisor

2. Darliefa. Graduated 2013. Perception on the effectiveness of internal auditors in Southwest Aceh Regional Government. Main Supervisor.


Active Supervision

1. Golshaniran, M.D. Passed Viva Voce Examination in December 2017 and Doing Corrections to be submitted May 2017. Poverty incidence of different social groups in the Northern States of Malaysia.


Project (Course Work Mode)


1. Chitra Nagathisen. Graduated 2016. Master of Economics Management. Expectation-Satisfaction among inbound medical tourists: A case study of Adventist Hospital, Penang. Main Supervisor.

2. Nur Azirah Zahida Mohamad Azhar Graduated 2015. Master of Economics Management. Female poverty in Northern States of Malaysia. Main Supervisor.

3. Nurul Syifaa Mohd Shakil. Graduated 2015. Master of Economics Management. Income inequality in Northern States of Malaysia: Evidence of Life Cycle Hypothesis. Main Supervisor.

4. Yang Yanhua. Graduated 2014. Master of Economics Management. The determinants of households saving rates in China 1982 – 2012. Main Supervisor.

5. Lok Yee Huei Graduated 2014. Master of Economics Management. Tourism and economic growth in Malaysia. Main Supervisor.

6. Souksakhone Mounlasy. Graduated 2012. Master of Economics Management. The effect of population on economic development of Laos. Main Supervisor.

7. Wang YaFei. Graduated 2012. Master of Economics Management. An analysis of Fictitious Economy: Reevaluation of inflation rate determinants in China. Main Supervisor.

8. Hanani binti Ahmad Fuad. Graduated 2010. Master of Economics Management. The Relationship Between Government Spending and Economic Growth in Malaysia. Main Supervisor.

9. Arthit Thepkamnoet. Graduated 2010. Master of Economics Management. The Willingness to Pay for the Conservation of Mangrove Forest in Thailand. Main Supervisor.

10. Liu Ting Ting. Graduated 2009. Master of Economics Management. The Determinants of Urban Residential Property Demand: A Case Study of Beijing. Main Supervisor.

11. Ching Siew Yun. Graduated 2008. Master of Economics Management. Faktor Perbelanjaan Kerajaan Malaysia, 1971 – 2005. Main Supervisor.

12. Chong Khin Fook. Graduated 2008. Master of Economics Management. Restructuring EPF Schemes – Results of an Opinion Survey. Main Supervisor.

Active Supervision

1. Atollah. Understanding behavior of Indonesian medical tourists in Penang. Main Supervisor.


Undergraduate Supervision

(i) Final Year


1. Rozita Yazit & Suprina Tahir. Graduated 2016. Bachelor of Economics. Final Year Project. Main Supervisor.

2. Andy Ngo Sze Wee & Cheng Jerh Shyang. Graduated 2015. Acdemic Performance of University Students: A Case Study of USM Undergraduate. Bachelor of Economics. Final Year Project. Main supervisor.

3. Nor Azila Hashim & Nur Izzati Sazali. Graduated 2015. Penglibatan Komuniti Setempat Dalam Program Homestay: Kajian Kes Di Homestay Teluk Bahang, Pulau Pinang. Bachelor of Economics. Final Year Project. Main supervisor.

4. Norhanani Ahmad & Noor Azwa Syahida Mat Suhaimi. Graduated 2015. Pelancongan Warisan Di Tapak Warisan Dunia Georgetown, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Bachelor of Economics. Final Year Project. Main supervisor.

5. Nor Azwan Mohd Daud & Norzihan Mohd Zulkifli. Graduated 2009. Modelling Demand for Shopping Tourism. Final Year Project. Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Major Mathematics Economics) Main Supervisor.

6. Nur Hafizah Ramli & Siti Nursyuhada Mohammad Tamin. Graduated 2009. Saving Behaviour and Old Age Protection Plans – Result of Micro Data Analysis in Pulau Pinang. Final Year Project. Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Major Mathematics Economics) Main Supervisor.

7. Isma Izuan and Surenderan A/L Anandam. Graduated 2008. Analysing the Efficiency and Equity of Malaysian Personal Income Tax. Final Year Project. Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Major Mathematics Economics) Main Supervisor.

8. Ng Cynthia and Soo See Mei. Graduated 2008. Patterns and Determinants of Foreign Tourists’ Expenditure in Malaysia. Final Year Project. Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Major Mathematics Economics) Main Supervisor.

9. Shafirah Abdul Hamid and Nor Idawati Daud. Graduated 2007. Determinants of Economic Growth: A Comparative Study Between Malaysia and Indonesia. Final Year Project. Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Major Mathematics Economics) Main Supervisor.

10. Muhd Hafiz Ghani and Luke Lim Seng Loon. Graduated 2007. Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Perbelanjaan Awam. Final Year Project. Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Major Mathematics Economics) Main Supervisor.

11. Rasyidah Shaari and Hafidah Mohd Dimyat, Graduated 2007, The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Malaysia. Final Year Project. Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Major Mathematics Economics) Main Supervisor.


Active Supervision

1. Nur Masturah Mohd Shafie & Sit Atiqah Mohd Rusaimi. Perkhidmatan feri langkawi: Analisis kepuasan pengguna. Bachelor of Economics. Final Year Project. Main Supervisor.

2. Nursyamila Yatimi & Nurul Zhahirah Nahrawi. Perlakuan pengguna terhadap perkhidmatan hotel atas talian. Bachelor of Economics. Final Year Project. Main Supervisor.

Other Years - 100 % course work

1. Sun Yibo. 2016. SEA306 Independent Studies.

2. Ehab Aljadoura. 2015. SEA306 Independent Studies. The impact of tourism on economic in ASEAN

3. Abang Mohamad Borhan Abang Mouhammad Hashim, Mohamad Hairu Hakimi Zakaria, Muhamad Nadzrin Muhamad, Khoo Jia Ling, Nurulashikin Zazali & Siti Hajar Hasmawi. SHE 101 2013/2014. Permainan Tradisional Masyarakat Melayu, Cina dan India. Main supervisor.

4. Tee Xin Yi, Sim Wah Siang, Teh Poh Gaik, Noor Rabbani Mat@Mohammed, Nur Aiman Abdul Razak & Nurain Ahmad Termizi. SHE 101 2013/2014. Adat Perkahwinan Masyarakat Melayu dan Masyarakat India. Main supervisor.

5. Liu Liqui. 2013. SEA306 Independent Studies. The financial crisis damages between China and Malaysia and the impacts for later development.

6. Sabarini Che Hussin. Kholisoh Omar, Nurul Atikah Halimi, Norazua Omar, Khairul Amir Abdul Halim. SHE101 2010/2011. Keropok Lekor Terengganu yang Istimewa Diminati Pelbagai Etnik. Main Supervisor.

7. Chang Ee Ling, Rozilawati Yaakub, Salinah, Shaukat Ali, Suhana Osman. SHE 101 2009/2010. Adat Perkahwinan Pelbagai Etnik di Malaysia. Main Supervisor.

8. Siti Nursuliana Osman, Siti Nuraisyah Hashim, Poon Fong Yee, Roslieha Rohaida Ramli, Loschana A/P Kumaravelu. SHE101 2008/2009. Perkahwinan. Main Supervisor

9. Pang Chun Sian, Ahmad Mazlan Kasin, Nurul Fatihah Mohamad Pandi, Yusmaliza Mohd Yusoff, Normadia Mohd. Khalid. SHE101 2007/2008. Pantang larang antaratiga kaum utama (Melayu, Cina and India).

10. Mohd Lokman Mat Jusoh, Siti Suraini Che Yaacob, Khatijah Hashim, Teh Seha Li, Nur Sahidah Abd Rahim. SHE101 2007/2008. Permainan Tradisional.

11. Muhammad Faiz Ibrahim, Chin Yew Chin, Misna Mohd Omar, Wan Zuriati Wan Jusoh, Norhayati Ahmad. SHE101 2008/2008.


Industrial Training/Practicum/Community Case Study

1. Nur Fatehah Azmi. SEW299 2016/2017. Pusat Penyelidikan Dasar dan Kajian Antarabangsa (CenPRIS) USM. Main supervisor.

2. Cheong Phui See. SEW299 2015/2016. Pejabat Tenaga Kerja Pelabuhan Klang. Main supervisor.

3. Yeow Zhon Chien. SEW299 2015/2016. Happy Solution Sdn Bhd. Main supervisor.

{slider title="RESEARCH POTENTIAL AREAS" class="gray solid color_content"}
 1.Social protection: well being of elderly, workers in the informal sector

2.Public sector economics

3.Welfare economics



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